Fauna records made based on materials from the working group on the study and protection of birds of the Siverskyi Donets basin (collection of scientific works "Birds of the Siversky Donets basin")

Dernière version Publié par Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group (NGO) le déc. 20, 2024 Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group (NGO)
Date de publication:
20 décembre 2024
CC-BY 4.0

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The dataset shows digitalized data on the registration of fauna species (mostly avifauna) that occurred within Southeastern Europe (Ukraine, the Don basin, the North Caucasus and Ciscaucasia. All dataset materials are the result of processing 10 conference proceedings (collection of scientific works "Birds of the Siversky Donets basin") of the working group on the study and protection of birds of the Siverskyi Donets basin.

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Comment citer

Les chercheurs doivent citer cette ressource comme suit:

Viter S (2024). Fauna records made based on materials from the working group on the study and protection of birds of the Siverskyi Donets basin (collection of scientific works "Birds of the Siversky Donets basin"). Version 1.0. Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group (NGO). Occurrence dataset. https://ukraine.ipt.gbif.no/resource?r=animalssivdonvalleyliterature&v=1.0


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L’éditeur et détenteur des droits de cette ressource est Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group (NGO). Ce travail est sous licence Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0.

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Cette ressource a été enregistrée sur le portail GBIF, et possède l'UUID GBIF suivante : 7b00427d-78a2-4ee8-9b7a-de3b7e80badb.  Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group (NGO) publie cette ressource, et est enregistré dans le GBIF comme éditeur de données avec l'approbation du Participant Node Managers Committee.


Occurrence; birds; biodiversity; Ukraine; Don; Siverskyi Donets basin; river; collection of scientific works "Birds of the Siversky Donets basin"; digitalization; Observation


Stanislav Viter
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
  • Créateur
  • Personne De Contact
environmentalist, ornitologist
Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group
Oleksii Marushchak
  • Curateur Des Données
junior researcher
I. I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine
Vul. B. Khmelnytskogo, 15
01030 Kyiv

Couverture géographique

The dataset covers the territory of Ukraine (mostly Kharkiv, Donetsk and Luhansk regions), as well as a number of adjacent territories (the Don and Sejm basin outside the political borders of Ukraine, Ciscaucasia, the North Caucasus - the western part).

Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [43,461, 23,166], Nord Est [52,361, 45,203]

Couverture taxonomique

The dataset mainly consists of records of birds, but is enriched with finds of reptiles, amphibians, fish, mammals and insects.

Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata, Arthropoda
Class Aves, Mammalia, Squamata, Amphibia, Insecta

Couverture temporelle

Epoque de formation 1896/2010

Données sur le projet

The project is aimed on collecting, digitalization and preservation of data on biodiversity records in Ukraine.

Titre Preservation of Scientific Heritage of Nature Reserves and National Parks Affected by the War
Identifiant 09-12-2024
Financement The project was implemented by the Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group with the support of the Goethe-Institut Ukraine, part of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Ukraine

Les personnes impliquées dans le projet:

Olexiy Vasyliuk

Méthodes d'échantillonnage

Methodology: processing of data from conference collections of the working group on the study and protection of birds of the Siverskyi Donets (collection of scientific works "Birds of the Siversky Donets basin").

Etendue de l'étude The dataset covers mainly the period from 20th and 21st centuries (1920-2010, mainly the period between 1960 and 2005). Several earlier finds were included as well. The data is a result of digitaliation of materials from the working group on the study and protection of birds of the Siverskyi Donets basin (collection of scientific works "Birds of the Siversky Donets basin"). All accompanying information concerning every records is excluded from the published metadata. The studied biotopes and landscapes include: forest-steppe (forests, meadows, mixed steppes, oak forests), river floodplains (intrazonal landscapes), steppe, semi-desert and desert, southern mountain (steppes, broad-leaved and mixed forests of the Caucasus), southern border of mixed forests of Polissya, sea coasts and water areas. Taxonomic scope: birds (Aves) - priority attention, mammals (Mammalia), amphibians (Amphibia), reptiles (Squamata), fish (Pices), insects (Insecta).
Contrôle qualité Th author is responsible for the accuracy of data transferred from the original publication to this dataset.

Description des étapes de la méthode:

  1. Publications were chosen, which indicated: the taxa of the observation, the date of the observation (at least a range of years) and a landmark by which the coordinates of the location of the observation can be found (village, spoil tip, ravine, small reserve).
  2. Coordinates were searched using online maps (Google Earth) (georeferencing), and the estimated error in meters was also searched.
  3. The data was digitalized in the form of a dataset according to Darwin Core standards.

Citations bibliographiques

  1. Птицы бассейна Северского Донца // Материалы конференции «Изучение и охрана птиц бассейна Северского Донца». т.1. - Донецк. - 1993. - 92 с.
  2. Птицы бассейна Северского Донца // Материалы 2-й конференции «Изучение и охрана птиц бассейна Северского Донца». т.2, выпуск 2. - Харьков. - 1994. - 62 с.
  3. Птицы бассейна Северского Донца // Материалы 3-й конференции «Изучение и охрана птиц бассейна Северского Донца». т.3, выпуск 3. - Харьков. - 1996. - 90 с.
  4. Птицы бассейна Северского Донца // Материалы 4-й и 5-й конференций «Изучение и охрана птиц бассейна Северского Донца». т.4, выпуски 4 и 5. - Харьков. - 1998. - 69 с.
  5. Птицы бассейна Северского Донца // Материалы 6-й и 7-й конференций «Изучение и охрана птиц бассейна Северского Донца». т.5, выпуски 6 и 7. - Донецк. - 2000. - 86 с.
  6. Птицы бассейна Северского Донца // Материалы 7 - 10 конференций «Изучение и охрана птиц бассейна Северского Донца». т.6, выпуск 8. - Харьков. - 2003. - 130 с.
  7. Птицы бассейна Северского Донца // Материалы 11 и 12 конференций «Изучение и охрана птиц бассейна Северского Донца». т.7, выпуск 9. - Харьков. - 2005. - 151 с.
  8. Птицы бассейна Северского Донца // Материалы 13 и 14 конференций «Изучение и охрана птиц бассейна Северского Донца». т.8, выпуск 10. - Харьков. - 2007. - 172 с.
  9. Птицы бассейна Северского Донца // Материалы 115 конференции «Изучение и охрана птиц бассейна Северского Донца». т.9, выпуск 11. - Донецк. - 2010. - 275 с.

Métadonnées additionnelles