The results of bird censuses in the zonal landscapes of southern Ukraine in the winter of 2001

Evento de muestreo
Última versión publicado por Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station el sept 10, 2023 Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station
Fecha de publicación:
10 de septiembre de 2023
CC-BY 4.0

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Metadatos como un archivo RTF descargar en Inglés (16 KB)


The dataset presents the results of the bird censuses carried out on February 8-15, 2001 in the south of Ukraine. In contrast to the traditional censuses of waterbirds in this region, they were carried out mainly in the zonal landscape, and their period were not determined by specific dates, but were connected with the period of winter weather in the region (simultaneous presence of negative temperatures and snow cover). The censuses were carried out in the regular nets of 10 x 10 km (see Methodology). 242 squares were obsereved. 994340 individuals of 105 species of birds were counted.


Los datos en este recurso de evento de muestreo han sido publicados como Archivo Darwin Core(DwC-A), el cual es un formato estándar para compartir datos de biodiversidad como un conjunto de una o más tablas de datos. La tabla de datos del core contiene 242 registros.

también existen 1 tablas de datos de extensiones. Un registro en una extensión provee información adicional sobre un registro en el core. El número de registros en cada tabla de datos de la extensión se ilustra a continuación.

Event (core)

Este IPT archiva los datos y, por lo tanto, sirve como repositorio de datos. Los datos y los metadatos del recurso están disponibles para su descarga en la sección descargas. La tabla versiones enumera otras versiones del recurso que se han puesto a disposición del público y permite seguir los cambios realizados en el recurso a lo largo del tiempo.


La siguiente tabla muestra sólo las versiones publicadas del recurso que son de acceso público.

¿Cómo referenciar?

Los usuarios deben citar este trabajo de la siguiente manera:

Vynokurova S, Andryushchenko Y, Arsievich N, Chernichko I, Dumenko V, Evko S, Gavrilenko V, Gorlov P, Grinchenko A, Kinda V, Koshelev A, Koshelev V, Lopushanskiy E, Oliynyk D, Rislavi T, Popenko V, Prokopenko S, Stadnichenko I, Syrenko V, Tovpinets N, Watzke H (2023). The results of bird censuses in the zonal landscapes of southern Ukraine in the winter of 2001. Version 1.0. Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station. Samplingevent dataset.


Los usuarios deben respetar los siguientes derechos de uso:

El publicador y propietario de los derechos de este trabajo es Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station. Esta obra está bajo una licencia Creative Commons de Atribución/Reconocimiento (CC-BY 4.0).

Registro GBIF

Este recurso ha sido registrado en GBIF con el siguiente UUID: eeda4cb8-0b24-483d-b334-bf33e32bb96e.  Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station publica este recurso y está registrado en GBIF como un publicador de datos avalado por Participant Node Managers Committee.

Palabras clave

Samplingevent; bird counts; Aves; ornithofauna; Ukraine; biodiversity; Southern Ukraine; Azov-Black sea region; migration; Observation


Svitlana Vynokurova
  • Proveedor De Los Metadatos
  • Originador
  • Punto De Contacto
Yu. Andryushchenko
  • Originador
N. Arsievich
  • Originador
I. Chernichko
  • Originador
V. Dumenko
  • Originador
S. Evko
  • Originador
V. Gavrilenko
  • Originador
P. Gorlov
  • Originador
A. Grinchenko
  • Originador
V. Kinda
  • Originador
A. Koshelev
  • Originador
V. Koshelev
  • Originador
E. Lopushanskiy
  • Originador
D. Oliynyk
  • Originador
T. Rislavi
  • Originador
V. Popenko
  • Originador
S. Prokopenko
  • Originador
I. Stadnichenko
  • Originador
V. Syrenko
  • Originador
N. Tovpinets
  • Originador
H. Watzke
  • Originador
Oleksii Marushchak
  • Custodio De Los Datos
junior researcher
I. I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine
Vul. B. Khmelnytskogo, 15
01030 Kyiv

Cobertura geográfica

The dataset represents the records of birds made on the territory of several southern regions of Ukraine, namely Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson regions and Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

Coordenadas límite Latitud Mínima Longitud Mínima [44,387, 31,794], Latitud Máxima Longitud Máxima [49,232, 39,089]

Cobertura taxonómica

The dataset consists of exlucively records of representatives of Aves class.

Reino Animalia
Filo Chordata
Class Aves

Cobertura temporal

Fecha Inicial / Fecha Final 2001-02-08 / 2001-02-15

Métodos de muestreo

The area was divided into 10 x 10 km (100 km2) squares, which were observed by 8 groups of ornithologists. Each group observed from 4 to 8 squares per day, depending on the state of the weather (visibility, traficobility), the presence of settlements and water bodies. Some censuses were carried out inside the settlements. A total of 242 squares were investigated. Birds were counted using 8–12x binoculars and 30–60x telescopes. The censuses were carried out according to three methods: along the transect, census on the vantage points and absolutely census. The transect censuses were carried out by using off-road vehicles. Primarily common species were observed along the transects. The width of the counting strip along the transects was 7–8 km with good visibility, 2–4 km during rain and snowfall, and 500 m during fog. The Bustard was subject of absolutely cencuses. The coordinates of the centroid of the square were determined in the free software QGIS, version 3.4, and indicated as standard coordinates in the dataset table. In the coordinateUncertaintyInMeters field, the largest distance from the center of the square to its borders is indicated. The nomenclature follows the Catalogue of Life.

Área de Estudio The analysis of the obtained data is presented in the article Andryushchenko Yu.A., Chernichko I.I., Kinda V.V., Popenko V.M., Arsievich N.G., Watzke H., Gavrilenko V.S., Gorlov P.I., Grinchenko A.B., Dumenko V.P., Kirichenko V.E., Koshelev A.I., Koshelev V.A., Lopushanskiy V.A., Oliynyk D.S., Podpryadov A.A., Prokopenko S.P., Stadnichenko I.S., Sirenko V.A., Tovpinets N.N., Fisher T., Chernichko R.N. 2006. Results of the first large census of wintering birds in zonal landscapes of South Ukraine. Branta: Transactions of the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station. Issue 9. P. 123–149.
Control de Calidad The authors (experienced ornithologists with more than 20 years of experience of field studies) of the dataset are fully responsible for the quality of the published data.

Descripción de la metodología paso a paso:

  1. Conducting of a field survey within the previously chosen plot area according to the standard method.
  2. Counting of the birds with simultaneous identification of species.
  3. Creating maps of the records made.
  4. Georeferencing and creating of the lists of registered species and specimens.
  5. Organizing of the dataset according to the Darwin Core standards.

Referencias bibliográficas

  1. Andryushchenko Yu.A., Chernichko I.I., Kinda V.V., Popenko V.M., Arsievich N.G., Watzke H., Gavrilenko V.S., Gorlov P.I., Grinchenko A.B., Dumenko V.P., Kirichenko V.E., Koshelev A.I., Koshelev V.A., Lopushanskiy V.A., Oliynyk D.S., Podpryadov A.A., Prokopenko S.P., Stadnichenko I.S., Sirenko V.A., Tovpinets N.N., Fisher T., Chernichko R.N. 2006. Results of the first large census of wintering birds in zonal landscapes of South Ukraine. Branta: Transactions of the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station. Issue 9. P. 123–149.

Metadatos adicionales