Results of bird surveys in the North-Western Black Sea region in 1991-2000

Registros biológicos
Última versión publicado por Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station el nov 4, 2023 Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station
Fecha de publicación:
4 de noviembre de 2023
CC-BY 4.0

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Datos como un archivo DwC-A descargar 1.546 registros en Inglés (36 KB) - Frecuencia de actualización: desconocido
Metadatos como un archivo EML descargar en Inglés (22 KB)
Metadatos como un archivo RTF descargar en Inglés (14 KB)


The dataset contains data on the registration of 164 bird species in the Northwestern Black Sea region. Counts were carried out in the Stensovsko-Zhebriyansky floodplains (Danube delta), Kartal and Kuhurlui lakes, the Sasyk reservoir, the Tuzla group of estuaries, on the Tiligul estuary and in the estuary zones of some small rivers in the region. The study area covers (completely or at least partially) 6 Ramsar wetlands: “Kuhurlui lake”, “Kartal lake”, “Sasyk lake”, “Kyliiske mouth”, “Shagany-Alibei-Burnas lakes system” and “Tylihulskyi liman”. All works on birds' counting were organized by the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station and were carried out with the participation of its employees, however, in some cases, researchers from other organizations participated as well (the names of all survey participants are indicated in the list of authors of this dataset). In 1999, birds' counts were carried out within the framework of the project “Proposals for the restoration, management and protection of lakes Kartal, Kuhurlui, Izmailske, the islands of Tataru, Minor and Major Dalera, the inclusion of promising wetlands of the Odessa region in the project “Partners in Wetlands”. In 2000, counts in Stensovsko-Zhebriyansky floodplains were conducted within the framework of the project “Current state of biodiversity and economic use of the Stensovsko-Zhebriyansky floodplains” with the financial support of the WWF project in Ukraine “Partners in Wetlands”.


Los datos en este recurso de registros biológicos han sido publicados como Archivo Darwin Core(DwC-A), el cual es un formato estándar para compartir datos de biodiversidad como un conjunto de una o más tablas de datos. La tabla de datos del core contiene 1.546 registros.

Este IPT archiva los datos y, por lo tanto, sirve como repositorio de datos. Los datos y los metadatos del recurso están disponibles para su descarga en la sección descargas. La tabla versiones enumera otras versiones del recurso que se han puesto a disposición del público y permite seguir los cambios realizados en el recurso a lo largo del tiempo.


La siguiente tabla muestra sólo las versiones publicadas del recurso que son de acceso público.

¿Cómo referenciar?

Los usuarios deben citar este trabajo de la siguiente manera:

Chernichko I I, Chaykovskaya E A, Chernichko R N, Diadicheva E A, Gorlov P I, Kinda V V, Kirikova T A, Kivganov D A, Nesterenko M A, Zharikov Y V, Zhmud M Y, Vynokurova S (2023). Results of bird surveys in the North-Western Black Sea region in 1991-2000. Version 1.1. Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station. Occurrence dataset.


Los usuarios deben respetar los siguientes derechos de uso:

El publicador y propietario de los derechos de este trabajo es Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station. Esta obra está bajo una licencia Creative Commons de Atribución/Reconocimiento (CC-BY 4.0).

Registro GBIF

Este recurso ha sido registrado en GBIF con el siguiente UUID: 90caa19a-67c4-4654-9e47-95ccefa1888b.  Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station publica este recurso y está registrado en GBIF como un publicador de datos avalado por Participant Node Managers Committee.

Palabras clave

Occurrence; Odes'ka Oblast'; Ukraine; birds; Aves; ornithofauna; fauna; biodiversity; avifauna; registrations; Observation


I. I. Chernichko
  • Originador
E. A. Chaykovskaya
  • Originador
R. N. Chernichko
  • Originador
E. A. Diadicheva
  • Originador
P. I. Gorlov
  • Originador
V. V. Kinda
  • Originador
T. A. Kirikova
  • Originador
D. A. Kivganov
  • Originador
M. A. Nesterenko
  • Originador
Yu. V. Zharikov
  • Originador
M. Ye. Zhmud
  • Originador
Svitlana Vynokurova
  • Proveedor De Los Metadatos
  • Punto De Contacto
junior researcher
I. I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine
Vul. B. Khmelnytskogo, 15
01030 Kyiv
Oleksii Marushchak
  • Custodio De Los Datos
junior researcher
I. I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine
Vul. B. Khmelnytskogo, 15
01030 Kyiv

Cobertura geográfica

The dataset consists of registrations of birds made within the Odesa administrative region of Ukraine.

Coordenadas límite Latitud Mínima Longitud Mínima [45,299, 28,644], Latitud Máxima Longitud Máxima [47,168, 31,081]

Cobertura taxonómica

The dataset consists of registrations of birds (class: Aves) only.

Reino Animalia
Filo Chordata
Class Aves
Orden Accipitriformes, Anseriformes, Apodiformes, Bucerotiformes, Charadriiformes, Ciconiiformes, Columbiformes, Coraciiformes, Cuculiformes, Falconiformes, Galliformes, Gaviiformes, Gruiformes, Passeriformes, Pelecaniformes, Podicipediformes, Suliformes

Cobertura temporal

Fecha Inicial / Fecha Final 1991-03-28 / 2000-10-03

Métodos de muestreo

Bird counts were carried out using 10-12x binoculars during walking or driving on routes along the shores of the studied water bodies. All birds, regardless of whether they were on the reservoir or adjacent land, were counted. In some cases, a 30x optical tube was used. During the surveys, all birds were assigned to a specific control area of arbitrary shape, the boundaries of which were determined by natural landmarks. The coordinates for bird registration are the coordinates of the center of such a site, which were determined using the QGIS program. The accuracy of coordinate estimation was determined as the maximum distance from the center to the boundary of the site. The nomenclature follows the Catalog of Life.

Área de Estudio The research was carried out during irregular field expeditions of employees of the Azov-Black Sea Ornithological Station on the wetlands of the North-Western Black Sea region in 1988-2000.
Control de Calidad The authors (all experienced ornithologists or bird-watchers) are fully responsible for the quality of data provided within the published dataset.

Descripción de la metodología paso a paso:

  1. Conducting of field surveys.
  2. Visual, audial and other registrations of birds.
  3. Indentification of species (subspecies, genus, family, morph).
  4. GPS-tracking, counting, georeferencing.
  5. Organizing of a dataset according to Darwin Core standards.

Metadatos adicionales

Identificadores alternativos 90caa19a-67c4-4654-9e47-95ccefa1888b