Records of vascular plants from the sand area “Voznesenska Asena” (Mykolaiv Region, Ukraine)

最新バージョン Kherson State University により出版 12月 27, 2024 Kherson State University
CC-BY 4.0

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The dataset contains co-occurrences of 488 occurrences of 171 species of vascular plants recorded from the “Voznesenska Asena” of Southern Bug river sand. The study area is located in the southern part of the steppe zone of Ukraine, in the Mykolaiv administrative Region. The Voznesensk arena of the Southern Buh sands is highly transformed. Almost all of its territory is occupied by artificial forest plantations, used as agricultural land, sand quarries, or built up. Floristic data were collected during the study of anthropogenic habitats in the Voznesensk. .The nomenclature of the dataset is as follows: “Ukrainian Plant Trait Database: UkrTrait v. 1.0” - (Vynokurov et al. 2024).

データ レコード

この オカレンス(観察データと標本) リソース内のデータは、1 つまたは複数のデータ テーブルとして生物多様性データを共有するための標準化された形式であるダーウィン コア アーカイブ (DwC-A) として公開されています。 コア データ テーブルには、488 レコードが含まれています。

この IPT はデータをアーカイブし、データ リポジトリとして機能します。データとリソースのメタデータは、 ダウンロード セクションからダウンロードできます。 バージョン テーブルから公開可能な他のバージョンを閲覧でき、リソースに加えられた変更を知ることができます。





Skobel N, Hrad Y, Artamonov V, Shapoval V, Moysiyenko I (2024). Records of vascular plants from the sand area “Voznesenska Asena” (Mykolaiv Region, Ukraine). Version 1.0. Kherson State University. Occurrence dataset.



パブリッシャーとライセンス保持者権利者は Kherson State University。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.


このリソースをはGBIF と登録されており GBIF UUID: 1ffbdcd6-4b35-480e-be3c-4819c1f15ee1が割り当てられています。   Participant Node Managers Committee によって承認されたデータ パブリッシャーとして GBIF に登録されているKherson State University が、このリソースをパブリッシュしました。


Occurrence; biodiversity; Mykolaiv Region; Voznesenk Arena


Nadiia Skobel
  • メタデータ提供者
  • プログラマー
  • 最初のデータ採集者
Kherson State University
Yuliia Hrad
  • メタデータ提供者
Kherson State University
Vladislav Artamonov
  • メタデータ提供者
Buh Gard National Nature Park
Viktor Shapoval
  • メタデータ提供者
Falz-Fein Biosphere Reserve "Askania-Nova" NAAS of Ukraine
Ivan Moysiyenko
  • メタデータ提供者
  • 連絡先
Kherson State University/ Falz-Fein Biosphere Reserve "Askania-Nova" NAAS of Ukraine


Mykolaiv Region

座標(緯度経度) 南 西 [46.855, 31.814], 北 東 [47.197, 32.154]



Kingdom Plantae
Phylum Tracheophyta


開始日 2024-10-31
開始日 2024-11-01


Recording and identification of vascular plants with using road-field methods and VegApp.

Study Extent The dataset contains co-occurrences of vascular plants recorded during the investigation of biodiversity of anthropogenic habitats of the Voznesenska arena of sands of the Southern Buh. Artificial coniferous and deciduous plantations, dirt roads, orchards and vineyards, as well as fallow land in their place, bread fields, etc. were studied. The study area is located in the southern part of the steppe zone of Ukraine, in Mykolaiv administrative Region.
Quality Control This field represent a description of actions taken to either control or assess the quality of data resulting from the associated method steps The identification of vascular plant species was held with morphological methods at the field and in the Kherson State University Laboratory of Plant Ecology and Environmental Protection. The nomenclature of the dataset is as follows: “Ukrainian Plant Trait Database: UkrTrait v. 1.0” - (Vynokurov et al. 2024). Then we used GBIF Backbone Taxonomy (GBIF species matching tool: for the taxonomic check and implemented minor corrections of species names regarding misprints and problematic taxa to avoid misinterpretation. Further habitat mapping was based on Maxar and CNES/Airbus DS maps in the QGis program (QGIS 2024). Coordinates of records were checked using Google Earth service. Data cleaning using OpenRefine and QGIS 3.22 ( for quality control.

Method step description:

  1. Recording and identification of vascular plants
  2. Completing of list of flora and habitats
  3. Managment of coordinates
  4. Data post-processing according to the Darwin Core standards
  5. Data checking and cleaning in OpenRefine


  1. Vynokurov, D., Borovyk, D., Chusova, O., Davydova, A., Davydov, D., Danihelka, J., Dembicz, I., Iemelianova, S., Kolomiiets, G., Moysiyenko, I., Shapoval, V., Shynder, O., Skobel, N., Buzhdygan, O., Kuzemko, A. (2024) Ukrainian Plant Trait Database: UkrTrait v. 1.0. Biodiversity Data Journal 12: e118128.
