Species of plants of separate territories of Podesinnia

最新バージョン Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group (NGO) により出版 8月 29, 2022 Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group (NGO)
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The dataset includes finds of about 250 species of flora of higher vascular plants within the valleys of the Desna river and its tributaries.

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Chornous O, Andrienko T (2022): Species of plants of separate territories of Podesinnia. v1.1. Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group (NGO). Dataset/Occurrence. https://gbif.univer.kharkov.ua/resource?r=chornousdesna1&v=1.1



パブリッシャーとライセンス保持者権利者は Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group (NGO)。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.


このリソースをはGBIF と登録されており GBIF UUID: 3de42107-8d0d-416b-ae02-0f0ca038b944が割り当てられています。   Participant Node Managers Committee によって承認されたデータ パブリッシャーとして GBIF に登録されているUkrainian Nature Conservation Group (NGO) が、このリソースをパブリッシュしました。


Occurrence; Slobozhanshchyna; Podesinnia; plants; Plantae; flora; Desna river; Sums'ka oblast'; registrations; biodiversity; Occurrence


Olga Chornous
  • メタデータ提供者
  • 最初のデータ採集者
  • 連絡先
Tetiana Andrienko
  • 最初のデータ採集者
Doctor of biological sciences
M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany NAS of Ukraine
Oleksii Marushchak
  • プログラマー
junior researcher
I. I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine
Vul. B. Khmelnytskogo, 15
01030 Kyiv


The dataset consists of findings from the territory of Sumy region, Ukraine.

座標(緯度経度) 南 西 [50.106, 32.926], 北 東 [52.376, 35.673]


The dataset consists of plant species' registrations.

Kingdom Plantae
Phylum Tracheophyta, Bryophyta


2003-2005 The synopsis given in the table is compiled on the basis of own original materials obtained during field expeditionary researches conducted by the authors during July 2003 in the specified territory. The collection of material was carried out on the basis of own original materials obtained during the development of geobotanical descriptions, route research, literature data (Flora of the USSR, T 1-16; Sipaylova, 1976, 1982; Rodinka,… Panchenko, 2019), herbarium collections of the Institute of Botany. MG Cold (KW). The study of flora was carried out by conventional methods ("Field Geobotany", vols. 1-5., 1959, 1960, 1964, 1972, 1976; "Research ...", 1973). New data on the distribution of species in Ukraine have been obtained and the occurrence of any species given in the literature has not been refuted. A herbarium of flora of higher vascular plants of the region was collected, geobotanical descriptions were made. In compiling a systematic list, the classification scheme proposed by S.L. Mosyakin and O.V. Tishchenko (2010) with clarifications by O.V. Vasheka and O.O. Bezsmertna (2012) for Polypodiophyta. The nomenclature of taxa of higher vascular plants is given in “Vascular plants of Ukraine. A nomenclatural checklist (Mosyakin, Fedoronchuk, 1999). We used reconnaissance and detailed route methods to survey some sections of the left-bank tributaries of the Desna River in the vicinity of the following settlements: Slout, Guta, Kushkino, Vasylkivshchyna, Grechkine, Zarichchya, Vorontsove, Bogdanivka, Bogdanka, Shostka, Vozdvyzhenske, Turanivka, Olyne, Sobycheve. 2021. Our research covered the territory within the rivers Svyga, Bychykha, Ivotka (tributaries - Kremlya, Ivot, Svysa, Studenok), Svirzh, Vit', Shostka (left tributary of the Ponurka river), Osota, Esman (left tributaries - Glystyanka, Ret'). According to the modern concept of geobotanical zoning (Didukh, Shelyag - Sosonko, 2003), the northern boundary of the territory we study runs along the valley of the Bychykha river, the northern point we define in the village. Dibrovka, located in the valley of the Bychykha river with geographical coordinates 52.115278 N and 33.375278 east, height of 148 m a.s.l. The southern boundary of the territory studied by us runs along the line Krolevets - Hlukhiv - Chervone (Geobotanichne, 1977) and has geographical coordinates of 51.5525 N. and 33.375278 east, height of 156 m a.s.l. The highest heights of the region are located on the interfluve Shostka - Ivotka near the village of Gorile - height of 206 m a.s.l. (Latitude 51.8019 Longitude 33.9447) and the village of Baranovka - height above r.m. 199 m (Latitude 51.9213 Longitude 34.1852). The western border is the Desna riverbed, the eastern - the state border. The general list of modern flora of higher vascular plants of the study area includes taxa of Lycopodiophyta, Equisetopsida, Polypodiophyta, Gymnospermae, Angiospermae of natural flora, as well as forest introducers and wild species capable of renaturalization; we have included some cultivated species, including those that reproduce in the field of culture and near vegetatively or by seed, but do not spread to natural coenoses. Flora species are divided between 10 subclasses, the predominant number of species belongs to the subclasses Asteridae, Rosidae, Commelinidae, Caryophyllidae, Ranunculidae, Liliidae and Alismatidae.

Study Extent 2003-2005. Geographical localization. Our research covers the territory within the rivers Svyga, Bychykha, Ivotka (tributaries - Kremlya, Ivot, Svisa, Studenok), Svirzh, Vit', Shostka (left tributary of the Ponurka River), Osota, Esman (left tributaries - Glystyanka, Ret'). According to geobotanical zoning (Didukh, Shelyag - Sosonko, 2003), the northern boundary of the territory we studied ran along the valley of the Bychykha River, the northern point - in the village of Dibrovka, located in the valley of the Bychykha river with geographical coordinates 52.115278 N and 33.375278 east, height 148 m a.s.l. The southern boundary of the territory studied by us ran along the line Krolevets - Hlukhiv - Chervone (Geobotanichne, 1977) and had geographical coordinates of 51.5525 N. and 33.375278 east, height of 156 m a.s.l. The highest heights of the region are located on the interfluve Shostka - Ivotka near the village of Gorile - height of 206 m a.s.l.(Latitude 51.8019 Longitude 33.9447) and the village of Baranovka - height of 199 m a.s.l. (Latitude 51.9213 Longitude 34.1852). The western border is the Desna riverbed, the eastern - the state border. All investigations were oranized using own costs of the scientists. 2021. The research was carried out in June - October 2021 by reconnaissance and detailed route methods. Baranivka, Muraveinya, Fotovyzh, Pustogorod, Smolin, Khodunya, Orliv Yar, Knyazhychi, Gyryne, Esman, Pervomaiske, Narbutivka, Mykytivka, Shatryshche, Svesa, Neplyuyevo, Yampil, Ivotka, Druzhba. Expeditionary trips were supported by the NGO "Ukrainian Environmental Conservation Group", for which we express our sincere gratitude to O.V. Vasilyuk and A.A. Kuzemko (for tolerance and correctness in supporting young botanists).
Quality Control The authors are fully responsible for the quality and accuracy of data provided within the published dataset.

Method step description:

  1. Conducting of field research.
  2. Species identification and photodocumentation.
  3. Georeferencing.
  4. Organizing of dataset.


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代替識別子 3de42107-8d0d-416b-ae02-0f0ca038b944