Based on the elaboration of the manuscript in 2024, preserved by V. V. Parkhomenko, this dataset was created. It contains 987 records on the distribution of 174 species (2,345 specimens) of true bugs (Heteroptera), obtained as a result of 93 expeditionary field studies in the Desniansko-Starohutskyi National Nature Park and its its vicinities (Seredyno-Budskyi district, Sumy region and several points being registered from the Chernihiv region near its border with Sumy region) in 2004-2009.
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Parkhomenko V, Vasyliuk O, †Grama V (2024). Typical bugs (Heteroptera) of the Desniansko-Starohutskyi National Nature Park and its vicinities (Seredyno-Budskyi district, Sumy region). Version 1.1. Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group (NGO). Occurrence dataset. https://ukraine.ipt.gbif.no/resource?r=hemipterastaraguta1&v=1.1
此資料的發布者及權利單位為 Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group (NGO)。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.
此資源已向GBIF註冊,並指定以下之GBIF UUID: d7b34b21-4ef7-49c0-940a-fad233654b5b。 Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group (NGO) 發佈此資源,並經由Participant Node Managers Committee同意向GBIF註冊成為資料發佈者。
Occurrence; Ukraine; insects; Insecta; biodiversity; true bugs; bedbugs; bugs; Sumy region; Polissia; forests; registrations; entomofauna; Observation
- 元數據提供者 ●
- 出處 ●
- 連絡人
- 出處
- 出處
- 託管人
The records presented within the dataset cover the territory of Sumy region, Seredyno-Budskyi district, Novgorod-Siverska oblast' of Polissia of the Polish Province, zone of mixed forests of the southwest of the East European Plain. Also the dataset has several points from the part of the Chernihiv administrative region of Ukraine that are situated in the border line touching Sumy administrative region.
界定座標範圍 | 緯度南界 經度西界 [52.158, 33.327], 緯度北界 經度東界 [52.365, 34.042] |
The dataset consists of recorder of Hemiptera (Heteroptera)., The dataset consists of recorder of Hemiptera (Heteroptera)., , The dataset consists of recorder of Hemiptera (Heteroptera)., , The dataset consists of recorder of Hemiptera (Heteroptera)., , The dataset consists of recorder of Hemiptera (Heteroptera).,
Kingdom | Animalia |
Phylum | Arthropoda |
Class | Insecta |
Order | Hemiptera |
Family | Alydidae, Anthocoridae, Acanthosomatidae, Aradidae, Berytidae, Blissidae, Coreidae, Corixidae, Cydnidae, Cymidae, Gerridae, Lygaeidae, Miridae, Nabidae, Naucoridae, Nepidae, Notonectidae, Pentatomidae, Plataspidae, Pyrrhocoridae, Reduviidae, Rhopalidae, Rhyparochromidae, Saldidae, Scutelleridae, Stenocephalidae, Thyreocoridae, Tingidae |
起始日期 / 結束日期 | 2004-05-05 / 2009-05-22 |
The following approaches to the recording of the findings were used: on routes (length was 1410 km) and trial areas (on territories of 0.5-1 ha). In addition, light hunting was used at night with the help of DRL lamps (mainly 250 W, and occasionally 400 and 1000 W). Identification of species was carried out by V. M. Grama, V. V. Parkhomenko, Andre Miquet and Nicolas Orliac.
研究範圍 | The materials were collected during the expeditions of Parkhomenko V. V. in 2004-2009 for 93 days in the Seredyno-Budskyi district of the Sumy region: in 2004 - May 4-13, June 4-16, July 10-August 6, August 21-September 1; 2005 – April 15-19, May 5-10; 2006 – April 13-17, July 15-19; 2009 – May 22-24. Unfortunately, one of the co-authors of this dataset, namely Grama V. M., has passed away before the dataset was published. R.I.P., dear friend. |
品質控管 | The authors of the dataset are fully responsible for the quality of data published in it. |
- Conduscting of field research in the wild: route counts and using of light traps.
- Collecting of the material found.
- Species identification.
- Georeferencing.
- Organising of the dataset according to Darwin Core standards.
- Пархоменко В.В., † Грама В.М. Клопи (Heteroptera) НПП «Деснянсько-Старогутський» та його околиць (Середино-Будський район, Сумська область). Рукопис (30 с.)
替代的識別碼 | d7b34b21-4ef7-49c0-940a-fad233654b5b |
https://ukraine.ipt.gbif.no/resource?r=hemipterastaraguta1 |