The botanical nature monument of local significance, the "Kozatski Maidany" kurgan, is located in the Cherkasy District of Cherkasy Region, Ukraine (49.063472° N, 32.141861° E; 207 meters above sea level). The kurgan has a height of 4.5 meters and a diameter of 80 meters. It hosts 159 species of vascular plants, including numerous steppe species. Among these, several are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine, such as Iris hungarica and Stipa capillata, as well as in the Red List of Cherkasy Region, including Amygdalus nana, Anemone sylvestris, Aster amellus, Asyneuma canescens, Cerasus fruticosa, Iris pumila, Jurinea calcarea, Jurinea salicifolia, Phlomis pungens, and Vinca herbacea (Sudnik-Wójcikowska, Moysiyenko, 2010). This dataset contains occurrences of 73 species (vascular plants) recorded in 11 releve (vegetation survey) during the project. The nomenclature of the dataset is as follows: “Ukrainian Plant Trait Database: UkrTrait v. 1.0” - (Vynokurov et al. 2024).
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Dyrenko N, Skobel N, Heinzel E, Moysiyenko I (2024). Records of vascular plants from Kurgan-maidan, Cherkasy District, Cherkasy Region (Ukraine). Version 1.0. Kherson State University. Occurrence dataset. https://ukraine.ipt.gbif.no/resource?r=hrus&v=1.0
此資料的發布者及權利單位為 Kherson State University。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.
此資源已向GBIF註冊,並指定以下之GBIF UUID: dda380ef-9173-442d-b91e-ca45860df525。 Kherson State University 發佈此資源,並經由Participant Node Managers Committee同意向GBIF註冊成為資料發佈者。
Occurrence; biodiversity; kurgan; cultural heritage site
- 出處
- 元數據提供者 ●
- 出處 ●
- 連絡人
Cherkasy Region, Central Ukraine.
界定座標範圍 | 緯度南界 經度西界 [49.094, 31.41], 緯度北界 經度東界 [49.582, 32.234] |
All species determenied to species.
Kingdom | Plantae |
Phylum | Tracheophyta |
起始日期 | 2024-05-20 |
計畫名稱 | Advocating for the environment and local communities of the future for the former Kakhovka Reservoir and Kakhovka HPP |
經費來源 | Advocating for the environment and local communities of the future for the former Kakhovka Reservoir and Kakhovka HPP, implemented by the Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group with the support of the Fondation de France. |
To describe the vegetation of kurgan-maidan, the transect method was used with 11 biotopes along the path: BNe - bottom north external, SNe - slope north external, T(N) - top north, SSi - slope south internal, BSi - bottom south internal, B - bottom, BNi - bottom north internal, SNi - slope north internal, T(S) - top south, SSe - slope south external, BSe - bottom north external. Additionally, the vegetation of the so-called ‘mustaches’ of the kurgan-maidan - mounds of earth that were moved from the kurgan after being used for gunpowder mining in Cossack times (16th-18th centuries) is described. For each species, its abundance was noted using a five-point scale: I - rare, II - occasional, III - frequent, IV - common, and V - abundant.
研究範圍 | The dataset contains the co-distribution of vascular plants. The study area is located in the Cherkasy Region, in the central forest-steppe zone of Ukraine. Kurgan-maidan is surrounded by agricultural fields. |
品質控管 | Some specimens of the vascular plants were collected as herbarium for determination and verification after the fieldwork. After digitizing the data, we harmonised the taxonomic information according to the nomenclature sources "Ukrainian Plant Trait Database: UkrTrait v. 1.0" - (Vynokurov et al. 2024): for vascular plants, we used GBIF Backbone Taxonomy (GBIF species matching tool: https://www.gbif.org/tools/species-lookup) for the taxonomic check and implemented minor corrections of species names regarding misprints and problematic taxa to avoid misinterpretation. We additionally checked and verified the data using OpenRefine (https://openrefine.org/) and QGIS 3.38 (https://qgis.org) for quality control. |
- Site selection, field researcTo describe the vegetation of kurgan-maidan, the transect method was used with 11 biotopes along the path: BNe - bottom north external, SNe - slope north external, T(N) - top north, SSi - slope south internal, BSi - bottom south internal, B - bottom, BNi - bottom north internal, SNi - slope north internal, T(S) - top south, SSe - slope south external, BSe - bottom north external. Additionally, the vegetation of the so-called ‘mustaches’ of the kurgan-maidan - mounds of earth that were moved from the kurgan after being used for gunpowder mining in Cossack times (16th-18th centuries) is described. For each species, its abundance was noted using a five-point scale: I - rare, II - occasional, III - frequent, IV - common, and V - abundant. h.
- Identification of herbarium specimens of vascular plants.
- Recording and identification of vascular plants with using road-field methods and VegApp.
- Digitizing the field data forms.
- Data checking and cleaning.
- Transformation of the dataset according to the Darwin Core standards.
- Taxonomic check, final quality control
- Sudnik-Wójcikowska, B., Moysiyenko. (2010). Flora of kurgans in the forest-steppe zone in Ukraine. Chornomorski Botanical Journal 6(2):162-199.
- Vynokurov, D., Borovyk, D., Chusova, O., Davydova, A., Davydov, D., Danihelka, J., Dembicz, I., Iemelianova, S., Kolomiiets, G., Moysiyenko, I., Shapoval, V., Shynder, O., Skobel, N., Buzhdygan, O. & Kuzemko, A. (2024). Ukrainian Plant Trait Database: UkrTrait v. 1.0. Biodiversity Data Journal 12: e118128. https://doi.org/10.3897/BDJ.12.e118128