Mammal observations from Ukrainian scientific literature

最新バージョン Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group (NGO) により出版 4月 19, 2023 Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group (NGO)
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The dataset contains occurences of mammals (and occasionally other taxa) recorded in Ukrainian grey literature. This includes Proceedings of Theriological School Vol. 1-20 and Novitates Theriologicae Vol.1-11.

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Marushchak M, Marushchak O, Vasyliuk O (2023): Mammal observations from Ukrainian scientific literature. v1.4. Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group (NGO). Dataset/Occurrence.



パブリッシャーとライセンス保持者権利者は Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group (NGO)。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.


このリソースをはGBIF と登録されており GBIF UUID: 5e0c660f-4093-42e5-a6df-55a44ae8dfb5が割り当てられています。   Participant Node Managers Committee によって承認されたデータ パブリッシャーとして GBIF に登録されているUkrainian Nature Conservation Group (NGO) が、このリソースをパブリッシュしました。


Occurrence; mammals; birds; biodiversity; publications; Proceedings of the Theriological School; Observation


Maksym Marushchak
  • 最初のデータ採集者
Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group
Oleksii Marushchak
  • AssociatedParty
  • プログラマー
  • 最初のデータ採集者
junior researcher
I. I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine
Vul. B. Khmelnytskogo, 15
01030 Kyiv
Olexiy Vasyliuk
  • 最初のデータ採集者
junior researcher
I. I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine
Vul. B. Khmelnytskogo, 15
01030 Kyiv
Mikhail Rusin
  • メタデータ提供者
  • 連絡先
I. I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology NAS of Ukraine | Kyiv Zoo
Vul. B. Khmelnytskogo, 15
01030 Kyiv


The dataset consists of records from Ukraine, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bolgria, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Poland, Moldova, Romania, Kyrgyzstan, Sovakia, Turkie, Turkmenistan, russia and Antarctica.

座標(緯度経度) 南 西 [-90, -164.531], 北 東 [87.851, 180]


The dataset consists of records of mammals and birds.

Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Mammalia, Aves


生成(収集)期間 1828/2021


The goal of the project is to mobilize occurrences of mammals from Ukraine. These occurrences would be used for development of the new European Mammal Mapping Atlas (EMMA). Comparing to the first edition of the EMMA, the new one will include all of Eastern Europe, and the lack of information from this large region may create an underrepresentation of species occurrences when compare Western and Eastern Europe.

タイトル Data from Ukraine to European Mammal Mapping Atlas ed.2
ファンデイング The Habitat Foundation


Mikhail Rusin
  • 連絡先
Svetlana Miteva
  • 連絡先


The data was georeferenced based on the descriptions provided in the publications.

Study Extent Data was collected and organized by the authors of different publications of Proceedings of the Theriological School.
Quality Control The authors of the dataset are fully responsible for the quality of data provided in it.

Method step description:

  1. Literature survey.
  2. Extracting occurrences.
  3. Georeferencing: in most cases the point was set within the settlement described in the text with coordinates precision 1-10km.
  4. Filling the table of occurrences in Darwin Core standard.
  5. Proofreading and peer-review (potential errors, misidentifications, unverifiable records etc.)


  1. A new record of Hemiechinus auritus at the territory of the Eastern Ukraine.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2006. – Volume 7 – P. 111-112.
  2. A new record of Neomys fodiens in Eastern Ukraine. — Zaika S.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2008. – Volume 9 – P. 264-265.
  3. A present state the lynx’s population (Lynx lynx) in Bukovina and its dependence on influence of an anthropogenic factor. — Тkachuk Y.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2006. – Volume 8 – P. 100-105.
  4. A role of small reserved areas and their guard regimes in conservation of rare species of terrestrial mammals (by the example of «Khomutovsky steppe» Natural Reserve). — Timoshenkov V.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2008. – Volume 9 – P. 63-72.
  5. About the record of Crocidura suaveolens Pallas, 1811 in Gomel city. — Savarin A. // Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2006. – Volume 8 – P. 133-135.
  6. Acoustic monitoring of bats: experience of organization in protected areas of Podillia. — M. V. Drebet, V. Yu. Martyniuk, A. V. Lishchuk.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2021 – Volume 21 – P.125-132.
  7. Analysis of bat roadkills in Sviati Hory National Nature Park based on data of a 10 years long research. — E. Skubak.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2018 – Volume 16 – P. 152-155.
  8. ARKHIPOV, O. Data on rare and non-abundant mammals recorded in vicinities of the Kuchurhan Estuary, Odesa Oblast.// Novitates Theriologicae, – 2015 – Pars 9 – P. 120-125.
  9. Autumn & winter records of Pipistrellus kuhlii in Central Ukraine. — Volodymyr Strigunov & Valerij Kotsiuruba.// Novitates Theriologicae, – 2001 – Pars 6 – P. 115.
  10. ARTAMONOV, V., LEGKY, S. Mammals of the region of the Buzkyi Gard National Park.// Novitates Theriologicae, – 2020 – Pars 11 – P. 33-42.
  11. Autumn record of Eptesicus nilssonii in the Kyiv region. — Volodymyr Miroposlki. // Novitates Theriologicae, – 2001 – Pars 6 – P. 114.
  12. Bat fauna monitoring in urban landscapes of Podillia (Ukraine) based on results of the work of bat contact centre. — M. Drebet.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2018 – Volume 16 – P. 145-148.
  13. Bat fauna of the Luhansk province. — Kondratenko O.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2006. – Volume 7 – P. 38-41.
  14. Bats of the genera Vespertilio et Eptesicus. — Lena Godlevska.// Novitates Theriologicae, – 2001 – Pars 6 – P. 73-76.
  15. Bats of the Kovsuh River Valley (Luhansk Region). — Rebrov, S.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2014 – Volume 12 – P. 111-113.
  16. Bats on the collections of zoological museums of Ukraine: phenological review of data. — Igor Zagorodniuk & Lena Godlewska.// Novitates Theriologicae, – 2001 – Pars 6 – P. 122-156.
  17. Bulakhov V. L., Chegorka P. T. Modern State of Bat Fauna in Dnipropetrovsk Province.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 1998. – Volume 1 – P. 100-104.
  18. Bechstein's Bat (Myotis bechsteinii) in Transcarpathia, Ukraine. — I. Zagorodniuk, V. Hleba. // Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2018 – Volume 16 – P. 166-170.
  19. Changes of population density of three muroid rodent species in urban gradient. — Cheremenykh N.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2006. – Volume 8 – P. 151-156.
  20. Comparison of natural and re-introduced populations of the steppe marmot (Marmota bobak) in Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine. — E. Skubak.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2020 – Volume 20 – P. 127-131.
  21. Current state of populations of rare species of carnivore mammals of family Mustelidae in the south-eastern part of Ukraine. — Kolesnikov M., Kondratenko O.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2006. – Volume 7 – P. 55-62.
  22. Death of bats on roads in the “Sviati Hory” Nature Park. — Skubak E.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2008. – Volume 9 – P. 274-275.
  23. Death of mammals on the roads of northeastern Ukraine. — Parkhomenko, V.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2017 – Volume 15 – P. 139-149.
  24. Distribution and Abundance of the European Mole (Talpa europaea L.) in the Northern Part of the Donetsk Region. — Skubak, E.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2016 – Volume 14 – P. 95-98.
  25. Distribution and variation of wood mice of the Apodemus microps & uralensis group in Eastern Europe: fragmentation and clines. — I. Zagorodniuk.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2020 – Volume 20 – P. 91-104.
  26. Distribution of the colored forms of squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) in the Transcarpathians and adjacent regions of Ukraine. — Yu. Zizda.// Scientific Bulletin of Uzhgorod University, – 2005 – Series Biology, 17 – P. 195-198.
  27. DOBRYVODA, I. New records of rare and non-abundant mammal species in Medobory Nature Reserve and its vicinities.// Novitates Theriologicae, – 2020 – Pars 11 – P. 43-49.
  28. DREBET, M. The western barbastelle (Barbastella barbastellus) in Podillia: a phase of population growth.// Novitates Theriologicae, – 2020 – Pars 11 – P. 83-91.
  29. Dykyj І., Srebrodolska E., Bashta T. Bat Researhes of the Lviv Oblast: Last and Today.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 1998. – Volume 1 – P. 153-155.
  30. Dynamics of number of the marmot (Marmota bobac Muller, 1776) at the territory of "Striltsivsky Steppe" natural reserve. — Borovyk Ye. // Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2006. – Volume 8 – P. 212-216.
  31. DZHOS, A. The long-eared hedgehog (Hemiechinus auritus) in Ploska balka in Luhansk Oblast: records, activity, behavior. // Novitates Theriologicae, – 2015 – Pars 9 – P. 126-131.
  32. Ecological and Faunal Research of Mammals in the Natural Reserve «Mykhailivska Tsilyna» (Sumy Region). — Merzlikin, I.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2014 – Volume 12 – P. 26-37.
  33. Emergence of a New Golden Jackal (Canis aureus) Population in the South of the Mykolaiv Oblast. — Redinov, K.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2015 – Volume 13 – P. 68-71.
  34. Encounter of the stoat (Mustela erminea) on the Donetsk ridge. — Bronskov A.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2008. – Volume 9 – P. 262-263.
  35. European bison (Bison bonasus) in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone (Ukraine) and prospects for its revival. — Gashchak, S., Gulyaichenko, Y., Beresford, N. A., Wood, M. D. // Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2017 – Volume 15 – P. 58-66.
  36. EVSTAFIEV, I. L. Chorology of the steppe birch mouse Sicista subtilis (Nathusius, 1840) in the Crimean Peninsula.// Novitates Theriologicae, – 2020 – Pars 11 – P. 92-99.
  37. Fauna of bats of Medova Cave (Lviv region) and prospects of its protection. — Dykyy I., Kus’nezh O., Mysiuk V.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2008. – Volume 9 – P. 214-218.
  38. Fedorchenko A., Tkach V. Bats of the Danube Delta.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 1998. – Volume 1 – P. 87–89.
  39. Finding of the steppe whiskered bat (Myotis aurascens Kuzyakin, 1935) in the Southeast of Ukraine. — Bronskov, A.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2017 – Volume 15 – P. 154-155.
  40. Findings of the Wildcat, Felis silvestris Schreber, 1777 (Carnivora, Felidae), on the Territory of the Ternopil Region, Ukraine. — Vikyrchak, O.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2014 – Volume 12 – P. 109-110.
  41. Finds of the fat dormouse (Glis glis) in cave-type shelters in the Middle Dnister Region. — O. Vikyrchak, P. Ploshchansky.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2020 – Volume 19 – P. 96-102.
  42. GODLEWSKA L. Natterer’s bat (Myotis nattereri) and Geoffroy bat (Myotis emarginathus) in Ukraine. // Novitates Theriologicae – 2003 – Pars 3 – P. 19-24.
  43. Hibernating bat species of Belarus: results of the work of the Minsk bat contact centre. — A. Shpak. // Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2018 – Volume 16 – P. 156-162.
  44. Hillock mouse Mus spicilegus (Muridae, Rodentia) in Ascania Nova and Kherson region. — Polishchuk I. // Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2012 – Volume 11 – P. 71-76.
  45. History and current state of bat fauna research in Cherkasy region, Ukraine, with a review of actual records. — A. Bilushenko.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2019 – Volume 18 – P. 3-11.
  46. ILIYKHIN, Y. The superfamily Dipodoidea in the collection of the Museum of Nature of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv University.// Novitates Theriologicae, – 2020 – Pars 11 – P. 107-112.
  47. ILYUKHIN, Y. The Russian Desman, Desmana moschata L., in the Museum of Nature of Kharkiv V. N. Karazin National University.// Novitates Theriologicae, – 2015 – Pars 9 – P. 175-179.
  48. Inclination to synanthropy of the common hamster (Cricetus cricetus) based on investigations in the Crimea. — Tovpinets M. , Evstafiev I. , Karaseva E. // Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2006. – Volume 8 – P. 136-145.
  49. Large carnivores of the Pripyatsky National Park: history, modern state and prospects on preservation (by Inessa ZENINA)// Novitates Theriologicae – 2001 – Pars 4 – P. 45-47.
  50. LAZARIEV, D., MOROZ, V., KOROLETSKA, L. Species of herbivore mammals in Striltsivsky Steppe and their environment-forming role for the ecosystems of the nature reserve.// Novitates Theriologicae, – 2020 – Pars 11 – P. 61-71.
  51. LITVINENKO, S. P., YEVTUSHENKO, G. O. To the fauna of Mustelidae of Luhansk Oblast. // Novitates Theriologicae, – 2015 – Pars 9 – P. 32-36.
  52. Long-eared hedgehog (Hemiechinus auritus) in Ukraine: a review. — Shevchenko S. —// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2008. – Volume 9 – P. 250-258.
  53. Mammals in the diet of Long-legged Buzzard (Buteo rufinus) in Ukraine. — Redinov K.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2012 – Volume 11 – P. 120-129.
  54. Mammal and bird fauna of the Federivsky forest massive. — Melnychenko B., Pylypenko D.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2006. – Volume 7 – P. 301-308.
  55. Mammals of the Black Sea biosphere reserve region, included in The Red Data Book of Ukraine (state for 2004). — Z. Selyunina.// Scientific Bulletin of Uzhgorod University, – 2005 – Series Biology – P. 86-88.
  56. MARKOVSKA, O. Finds of rare and non-abundant species of small mammals in the territory of Kharkiv Oblast, Ukraine. // Novitates Theriologicae, – 2020 – Pars 11 – P. 12-18.
  57. Mediterranean water shrew (Neomys anomalus) in northern Belarus: new records and identification criteria. — A. Savarin, V. Savarina.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2019 – Volume 18 – P. 137-143.
  58. Merzlikin I. On Cases of Preying on Bats.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 1998. – Volume 1 – P. 148-149.
  59. Merzlikin I., Lebid E. Notes on the Bats from the Sumy Province.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 1998. – Volume 1 – P. 124-127.
  60. Migration of bats on the ornithological station “Lebedivka”. — Anatoly Poluda & Igor Zagorodniuk. // Novitates Theriologicae, – 2001 – Pars 6 – P. 98-101
  61. Microtus subterraneus (Mammalia) in the Luhansk province. // Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2006. – Volume 7 – P. 103.
  62. Modern distribution and state of populations of susliks (Spermophilus) in the East of Ukraine. — Zagorodniuk I., Kondratenko O.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2006. – Volume 7 – P. 211-214.
  63. Modern state of the mammal fauna of the natural reserve "Kreydiana flora". — Limansky S., Kondratenko O.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2006. – Volume 7 – P. 29-32.
  64. Mole-rats Nannospalax leucodon and Spalax zemni in Ukraine: identification criteria and border between their ranges. — Zagorodniuk, I., Korobchenko, M., Kirichenko, V.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2017 – Volume 15 – P. 97-104.
  65. Monitoring of the leopard seal population (Hydrurga leptonyx) in waters of the Argentine Islands (Antarctica). — P. B. Khoyetskyy.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2020 – Volume 19 – P. 138-147.
  66. Monitoring of the situation “man and bear”. — Khoyetskyy P.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2010 – Volume 10 – P. 150-154.
  67. MOROZ, V. The European mole (Talpa europaea) in the Siversky Donets region: new data on the species’ distribution in Luhansk Oblast, Ukraine.// Novitates Theriologicae, – 2020 – Pars 11 – P. 155-160.
  68. Mortality of animals on roads: assessment of vehicle traffic’s influence at populations of wild and domestic animals. — Zagorodniuk I.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2006 – Volume 8 – P. 120-125.
  69. Mouse-like rodents and shrews in Kharkiv Oblast (Ukraine): species composition, distribution, and current state of populations. — O. Markovska, H. Tkach. // Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2006. – Volume 19 – P. 27-44.
  70. Muroid rodents of the natural landmark “Chervone” (Dnister Canyon): specifics of species composition and community structure. — O. Shtyk, Z. Mamchur.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2020 – Volume 20 – P. 67-72.
  71. Myotis brandtii in Ukraine: results of investigation of zoological collections in Lviv.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2006. – Volume 7 – P. 109-110.
  72. NAGY Z., SZANTA L., SZODORAY-PARADI F. Cave dwelling bats in the Bihor and in the Padurea Craiului Mountains.// Novitates Theriologicae – 2003 – Pars 3 – P. 30-36.
  73. New data on cave-dwelling bats of Odessa city vicinities. — Godlevskaya E. , Panchenko P. , Formanjuk O.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2008. – Volume 9 – P. 93-101.
  74. New data on distribution of the wildcat (Felis silvestris Schreber, 1777) in Podillia, Ukraine. — M. Drebet, Ya. Kapeliukh.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2019 – Volume 18 – P. 128-132.
  75. New finds of Russian Desman (Desmana moschata) in the basin of Seim river. — Tsiupka V.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2012 – Volume 11 – P. 145-147.
  76. New records of Myotis alcathoe in Ukraine. — A.-T. Bashta, I. Ivashkiv, A. Krokhmal. // Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2018 – Volume 16 – P. 163-165.
  77. New records of the Mediterranean water shrew, Neomys anomalus Cabrera (Insectivora, Soricidae), in the Sumy oblast. — Merzlikin I., Sheverdyukova A.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2010 – Volume 10 – P. 135-146.
  78. New Records of Ursus arctos on the territory of the Eastern Ukraine.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2006. – Volume 7 – P. 112.
  79. Northern mole-vole (Ellobius talpinus) on the sand areas of the Derkul River valley (Rostov and Luhansk provinces). — Korobchenko M.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2008. – Volume 9 – P. 228-231.
  80. NOVAK, V. O., NOVAK, V. V. Monitoring of the Cricetus cricetus L. population in the Upper Pobuzhzhia region.// Novitates Theriologicae, – 2020 – Pars 11 – P. 113-118.
  81. Observations of birds of prey in the Luhansk province and problems of faunal communities protection. — Reznik O.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2006. – Volume 7 – P. 268-275.
  82. OMELCHENKO, Y. The forest dormouse (Dryomys nitedula) in the north of Odessa Oblast: a new find in coastal regions of Ukraine.// Novitates Theriologicae, – 2020 – Pars 11 – P. 161-163.
  83. On the phenology of bats from the Kharkiv province. — Anton Vlaschenko.// Novitates Theriologicae, – 2001 – Pars 6 – P. 110-112.
  84. Plecotus austriacus in the valley of the Kilchen river (left bank of the Dnipro), a new stage of expansion to the East. — V. Manyuk, А. Lahuta.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2018 – Volume 16 – P. 149-151.
  85. Pipistrelle bats of the genus Pipistrellus and genus Hypsugo. — Igor Zagorodniuk & Vadym Negoda.// Novitates Theriologicae, – 2001 – Pars 6 – P. 65-72.
  86. PETRUSHENKO Ya. Fauna of hibernating bats in the caves of Central Podolia.// Novitates Theriologicae – 2003 – Pars 3 – P. 44-47.
  87. Peculiarities of the golden jackal’s (Сanis aureus L., 1758) behavior in its expansion zone in the South of Ukraine. — Rozhenko, M. V.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2017 – Volume 15 – P. 80-85.
  88. Pokynchereda V. F., Pokynchereda V. V. New Record of Myotis bechsteini (Chiroptera) in the Ukrainian Carpathians.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 1998. – Volume 1 – P. 156-158.
  89. Polissian population of Lynx lynx in Ukraine and action plan on its conservation. — Zhyla S.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2012 – Volume 11 – P. 98-112.
  90. Polushina N. State of Bat Population in the Western Podilja.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 1998. – Volume 1 – P. 106-116.
  91. Przewalski’s horse (Equus ferus przewalskii) in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone after 20 years of introduction. — S. Gashchak, S. Paskevich.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2019 – Volume 18 – P. 80-100.
  92. Rare and scanty mammal species of the Shatsk National Park. — Dykyy I., Srebrodolska E.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2008. – Volume 9 – P. 102-106.
  93. Rare fauna of Eastern Ukraine: its composition and distribution of rare species. — Zagorodniuk I., Korobchenko M.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2008. – Volume 9 – P. 107-156.
  94. Rare rodent species in fragmented steppe areas of the right-bank Lower Dnipro region: new records. — I. Merzlikin.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2019 – Volume 18 – P. 133-136.
  95. Rare terrestrial mammals of Khomutovsky Steppe reserve in the conditions of anthropogenic press. — Timoshenkov V.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2006. – Volume 8 – P. 240-244.
  96. Records and peculiarities of distribution of the European mole (Talpa europaea) in the Lower Dniester area. — Dyatlova, O., Rozhenko, M.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2017 – Volume 15 – P. 94-96.
  97. Records of Neomys fodiens in Provallya Steppe (Eastern Ukraine).// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2006. – Volume 7 – P. 110-111.
  98. Records of the fat dormouse (Glis glis) in Poltava region. — Podobaylo, A., Mylenko, N., Shevchenko, S., Sevidov, V.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2017 – Volume 15 – P. 156-158.
  99. Records of the Steppe Polecat (Mustela eversmanni Lesson, 1827) in Ukraine: Review of Zoological Collections. — Filipenko, S.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2014 – Volume 12 – P. 102-107.
  100. Representatives of the order Chiroptera in the collection of the Museum of Nature at V. Karazin Kharkiv National University. — Yu. Iliukhin.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2018 – Volume 16 – P. 77-84.
  101. Results of censuses of troglophyle bat species in the Middle Dnister Area (Ukraine) in 1984–2000. — O. Vikyrchak.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2018 – Volume 16 – P. 17-24.
  102. Results of the bats census in the Podilsky Tovtry National Park in hibernation period of 2008. — Drebet M., Matveyev V., Tarasenko M.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2010 – Volume 10 – P. 47-52.
  103. Results of the Work of the Kyiv Bat Contact-Centre in 2012–2015. — Godlevska, L.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2015 – Volume 13 – P. 11-19.
  104. Review of Distribution and Morphometric Peculiarities of the Mole Vole Ellobius talpinus (Arvicolidae) in the Lower Dnipro River Region (Ukraine). — Korobchenko, M., Zagorodniuk, I., Redinov, K.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2014 – Volume 12 – P. 89-101.
  105. Review of Sicista subtilis records in the Dnipropetrovsk province. — Antonets N. , Shumkova M.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2008. – Volume 9 – P. 259-261.
  106. Review of the family Mustelidae in the region of the Black Sea Biosphere Reserve. — Selyunina, Z. V.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 2017 – Volume 15 – P. 49-57.
  107. ROMAN, E. The experience of making and use of homemade camera traps on the base of film cameras.// Novitates Theriologicae, – 2017 – Pars 10 – P. 70-75.
  108. Ruzhilenko N., Grishchenko V., Mezherin V., Tsvelykh O. Bat Fauna of the Kaniv Natural Reserves // Proceedings of the Theriological School – 1998. – Volume 1 – P. 76–79.
  109. SAVARIN, A. Findings of little known insectivore species (Lipotyphla) in Belarus: critical analysis and issues of diagnosis.// Novitates Theriologicae, – 2020 – Pars 11 – P. 12-18.
  110. Schreibers’ and mouse-eared bats (Miniopterus & Myotis). — Julij Krochko.// Novitates Theriologicae, – 2001 – Pars 6 – P. 50-52.
  111. Seljunina Z. Bats of the Black Sea Biosphere Reserve.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 1998. – Volume 1 – P. 80–83.
  112. SELYUNINA, Z., MOSKALENKO, YU. Small mammals in diet of the barn owl (Tyto alba) in the Black Sea Biosphere Reserve.// Novitates Theriologicae, – 2020 – Pars 11 – P. 72-76.
  113. Sheshurak P., Kedrov B. To Bat Investigation in the Chernigiv Oblast of Ukraine.// Proceedings of the Theriological School – 1998. – Volume 1 – P. 134-138.
  114. SHEVCHYK, L. O., LECHACHENKO, S. A. The European hamster (Cricetus cricetus) in Podillia: description of a new settlement and the finding of a melanistic form.// Novitates Theriologicae, – 2020 – Pars 11 – P. 125-130.
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