An annotated list of the flora in the Plavni tract (Tiligulskyi Regional Landscape Park, vicinity of Kobleve village, Mykolaiv region, Ukraine)

Dernière version Publié par Kherson State University le déc. 14, 2023 Kherson State University
Date de publication:
14 décembre 2023
CC-BY-NC 4.0

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A brief overview of the resource that is being documented a short-term expedition to the Regional Landscape Park "Tylihulski" . As of today, the total area of the park is over 8 thousand hectares (8195.4 ha), with approximately 4755.3 ha occupied by the waters of the estuary (Kolomiyets, 2004). Overall, the regional landscape park "Tylihulski" was created with the purpose of preserving and rational use of the coastline of the Tiligulsky estuary and its adjacent waters, as the park's territory encompasses areas rich in flora and fauna, serving as a valuable habitat for waterfowl. In the estuarine waters, which are part of the wetland area "Tylihulski" over 200 bird species have been documented, including representatives listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. Among them are species such as Platalea leucorodia, Aythya nyroca, Himantopus himantopus, Haematopus ostralegus, and others. The floristic complexes on the territory include over 400 plant species, many of which are rare or endangered and listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. These include the snowdrop Galanthus elwesii, Stipa ucrainica, Stipa pulcherrima, Stipa asperella, Stipa lessingiana, Tulipa schrenkii, Tulipa hypanica (Kolomiyets, 2004; Regional report... Mykolaiv Regional State Administration 2022). The studied territory of the regional landscape park "Tylihulski" is located in the southwestern part of the Mykolaiv region on the eastern coast of the Tylihul estuary (in its lower part) and its waters on the border with the Odesa region (46.635250, 31.208700) within the Koblivska territorial community. The length of the territory from north to south ranges from 1.7 to 2 km, and from west to east is approximately 1.8 km. This dataset contains 131 occurrences of 119 species of vascular plants. The nomenclature of the dataset follows “Nomenclatural Checklist of vascular plants of Ukraine” (Mosyakin & Fedoronchuk 1999), with minor edditing the Plants of the World Online with minor edditing GBIF Backbone Taxonomy and GBIF species matching tool and minor taxonomic corrections.

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Les chercheurs doivent citer cette ressource comme suit:

Moysiyenko I, Skobel N, Velychko N, Kalashnik K, Shchepeleva O (2023). An annotated list of the flora in the Plavni tract (Tiligulskyi Regional Landscape Park, vicinity of Kobleve village, Mykolaiv region, Ukraine). Version 1.0. Kherson State University. Occurrence dataset.


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Flora; Mykolaiv region; sozological value; Ukraine; Observation


Ivan Moysiyenko
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
  • Créateur
  • Personne De Contact
Dr. Sc., Prof., Head of Department of Botany
Kherson State University
27 Universytetska Str
73000 Kherson
Nadiia Skobel
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
  • Créateur
PhD student, Programmer
Kherson State University
27 Universytetska Str
73000 Kherson
Nataliia Velychko
  • Créateur
Master Student
Kherson State University
27 Universytetska Str
73000 Kherson
Kateryna Kalashnik
  • Créateur
Institute of Marine Biology of the NAS of Ukraine
37Pushkinska Str.
65011 Odesa
Olena Shchepeleva
  • Créateur
Bachelor Student
Kherson State University
27 Universytetska Str
73000 Kherson

Couverture géographique

Mykolaiv region, Regional Landscape Park “Tylihulski” in the vicinity of Kobleve village.

Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [-90, -180], Nord Est [90, 180]

Couverture taxonomique

Include 119 taxa names of vascular plants all determined to species. Vascular plants (Plantae, Tracheophyta - Gnetopsida, Liliopsida, Magnoliopsida).

Kingdom Plantae
Phylum Tracheophyta
Class Liliopsida, Magnetopsida

Couverture temporelle

Date de début 2023-10-24

Données sur le projet

Pas de description disponible

Titre Habitats in the areas of the Regional Landscape Park “Tylihul estuary” in the vicinity of Kobleve village and conservation value
Financement Research supported by Department of ecology and natural resources of Mykolaiv state region administration.

Les personnes impliquées dans le projet:

Ivan Moysiyenko

Méthodes d'échantillonnage

Recording and identification of vascular plants with using road-field methods. The abundance of each species on each species was assessed using a 5-point scale: 1 – rare, 2 - occasional, 3 – frequent, 4 - common, 5 – abundant species.

Etendue de l'étude The research focused on Regional Landscape Park “Tylihuski” in the vicinity of Kobleve village covering approximately 284 hectares in Mykolaiv, Mykolaiv region, Ukraine.
Contrôle qualité The identification of vascular plant species was held with morphological methods at the field. Coordinates of records were checked using Google Earth service and QGIS 3.32 Lima. Data cleaning using OpenRefine. After digitizing the data with VegApp (species list - EuroPlusMed) with import to Stardart Turboveg XML fil, we harmonised the taxonomic information according to the nomenclature sources: for vascular plants - Nomenclatural Checklist of vascular plants of Ukraine (Mosyakin & Fedoronchuk 1999). Then we used GBIF Backbone Taxonomy (GBIF species matitem-0ching tool: for the taxonomic check and implemented minor corrections of species names regarding misprints and problematic taxa to avoid misinterpretation. We additionally checked data using OpenRefine (, for quality control.

Description des étapes de la méthode:

  1. Field sampling
  2. Recording and identification of vascular plants. Data mobilization in the field was performed using the releves application Vegapp (species list - EuroPlusMed) with import to Standart Turboveg XML file.
  3. Completing of checklist of vascular plant
  4. Data post-processing according to the Darwin Core standards
  5. Data checking and cleaning in OpenRefine

Citations bibliographiques

  1. Kolomiyets G.V. Network of protected areas of Mykolaiv region in the context of phytobiota conservation. Agroecological journal. Kyiv, 2004. Issue 3. P. 13-18. [in Ukrainian].
  2. Mosyakin S.L., & Fedoronchuk M.M. 1999. Vascular plants of Ukraine. A nomenclatural checklist. Specialized printing house of scientific journals of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv.
  3. Regional report on the state of the environment in Mykolaiv region in 2021 / Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of Mykolaiv Regional State Administration. Mykolaiv, 2022. 236 p. [in Ukrainian].

Métadonnées additionnelles