Monitoring of ichthyofaunal of the Uday river on the territory of the National Nature Park "Pyriatynskyi"

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The species representation of fish within of the Uday river on the territory of the National Nature Park "Pyriatynskyi".


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Podobailo A, Koshovyi I (2022): Monitoring of ichthyofaunal of the Uday river on the territory of the National Nature Park "Pyriatynskyi". v1.0. Pyryatynsky National Nature Park. Dataset/Samplingevent.



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Anatolii Podobailo
  • 出處
Associate Professor
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Ihor Koshovyi
  • 元數據提供者
  • 出處
  • 連絡人
Junior Research employee
National Nature Park "Pyriatynskyi"
Oleh Prylutskyi
  • 託管人
Associate professor
V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University


The research was conducted in Poltava region of Pyriatyn district, at the Uday river on the territory of the National Nature Park "Pyriatynskyi" 1. "Kroty" in the Poltava region of the Pyriatynsky district 50.23189 N 32.28541 E 2. "Gurbintsi" in the Poltava region of the Pyriatynsky district 50.21822 N 32.28622 E 3. "Leliaky" in the Poltava region of the Pyriatynsky district 50.20144 N 32.29714 E 4. "Keibalivka" in the Poltava region of the Pyriatynsky district 50.18345 N 32.30093 E 5. "Masalsky island" in the Poltava region of the Pyriatynsky district 50.14342 N 32.31857 E 6. "Symy bridge" in the Poltava region of the Pyriatynsky district 50.13625 N 32.33335 E 7. "Velyka krucha" in the Poltava region of the Pyriatynsky district 50.11169 N 32.34351 E 8. "Povstin (Burti)" in the Poltava region of the Pyriatynsky district 50.11188 N 32.40251 E 9. "Deimanovka" in the Poltava region of the Pyriatynsky district 50.12150 N 32.38120 E

界定座標範圍 緯度南界 經度西界 [49.21, 30.41], 緯度北界 經度東界 [52.429, 36.035]



Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Order Cypriniformes, Esociformes, Perciformes, Gadiformes, Gobiformes, Gasterosteiformes, Siluriformes
Family Cyprinidae, Balitoridae, Cobitidae, Esocidae, Persidae, Lotidae, Odontobutidae, Gasterosteidae, Siluridae


起始日期 / 結束日期 2011-01-01 / 2020-01-01


Sampling was carried out as part of monitoring in association with scientific department of the National Nature Park "Pyriatynskyi" in July 2014-2020. Research was realized in the Poltava region of the Pyriatynsky district at the Uday river on the territory of the National Nature Park "Pyriatynskyi". Control catches of fish were conducted at depths up to 2 m by the whitebait fishnet of 6 m in length, with a cell length of 5 mm. Fish species were determined by handbook "Handbook of European Freshwater Fishes" [Kottelat, 2007].

研究範圍 Pyriatynskyi district, Poltava region, Ukraine


  1. Sampling was carried out as part of monitoring in association with scientific department of the National Nature Park "Pyriatynskyi" in July 2014-2020.
  2. Control catches of fish were conducted at depths up to 2 m by the whitebait fishnet of 6 m in length, with a cell length of 5 mm.
  3. Fish species were determined by handbook “Handbook of European Freshwater Fishes” [Kottelat, 2007].


  1. The nature of the national natural park "Pyriatynskyi" : monograph / Abduloieva О.S. and other. Кyiv: Тalkom, 2017. 197 p.
  2. Podobailo A. (2008) The fish population of the middle reaches of the river Uday // Modern problems of theoretical and practical ichthyology: І Mizhnarodna nauk.-praktych. konf. Каniv, 115.
  3. Hlotova N., Kutsokon Yu., Podobaylo A. (2012). Distribution of small-scale fish population in the shallow waters of the Uday River national natural park "Pyriatynskyi" // Visnyk of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. 61, 10 – 11.
  4. Koshovyi I., Podobailo A., Kutsokon Yu. (2015) Monitoring the ichthyofauna of the river. Take it within the limits of the National Nature Park "Pyriatynskyi". Modern problems of theoretical and practical ichthyology: VIIІ Mizhnarodna nauk.-praktych. konf. Kherson, 100-102.
  5. Koshovyi I., Podobaylo A. (2017) Relative number and distribution of hirchak (Rhodeus amarus (Bloch, 1782)) in the rivers of the National Nature Park ""Pyriatynskyi"". NATURA 2000 network as an innovative system for the protection of rare species and habitats in Ukraine. Materials of the scientific and practical seminar. Conservation Biology in Ukraine, 1, 59-63.
  6. Koshovyi I., Podobailo A., Shustov A. (2018) Species riches and species diversity of the river Uday within the National Nature Park "Pyriatynskyi". "Fisheries Science of Ukraine". - 2018. - № 4. - С. 15-25.
  7. Chronicle of the National Natural Park "Pyriatynskyi": Manuscript, 5, 2016. 339 p.
  8. Kottelat, M. and J. Freyhof, 2007. Handbook of European freshwater fishes. Publications Kottelat, Cornol and Freyhof, Berlin. 646 pp. (ISBN 978-2-8399-0298-4).
  9. Podobailo A, Koshovyi I (2020). Checklist of fish species of the National Nature Park "Pyriatynskyi". Pyryatynsky National Nature Park. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2021-11-19.
  10. A.Podobailo, A.Shukh, Yu.Kutsokon Age and Growth of the European Bitterling, Rhodeus amarus (Cyprinidae, Actinopterygii), in the Uday and Perevod Rivers (Dnipro Basin, -Ukraine) // Zoodiversity.- Vol.55, N .- 2021- P.361–368.


替代的識別碼 72d35901-207c-488e-a377-5bb766c42db7