Records of Artiodactyla and Perissodactyla from the territory of Chornobyl Exclusion Zone, Ukraine

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Records of Artiodactyla and Perissodactyla from the territory of Chornobyl Exclusion Zone, Ukraine, collected during 2012-2014; 2018-2023. Contains 2399 records of the 5 Artiodactyla (Alces alces, Cervus elaphus, Capreolus capreolus, Sus scrofa, Bison bonasus) and 1 Perissodactyla (Equus ferus przewalskii) species.

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Les données de cette ressource occurrence ont été publiées sous forme d'une Archive Darwin Core (Darwin Core Archive ou DwC-A), le format standard pour partager des données de biodiversité en tant qu'ensemble d'un ou plusieurs tableurs de données. Le tableur de données du cœur de standard (core) contient 2 398 enregistrements.

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Comment citer

Les chercheurs doivent citer cette ressource comme suit:

Vyshnevskyi D, Korepanova K, Borsuk O, Varukha A, Obrizan S, Domashevskyi S (2024). Records of Artiodactyla and Perissodactyla from the territory of Chornobyl Exclusion Zone, Ukraine. Version 1.0. Chornobyl Radiation and Ecological Biosphere Reserve. Occurrence dataset.


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L’éditeur et détenteur des droits de cette ressource est Chornobyl Radiation and Ecological Biosphere Reserve. Ce travail est sous licence Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0.

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Occurrence; Observation


Denys Vyshnevskyi
  • Créateur
Head of Scientific Department
Chornobyl Radiation and Ecological Biosphere Reserve
Kateryna Korepanova
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
  • Créateur
Chornobyl Radiation and Ecological Biosphere Reserve
Oleksandr Borsuk
  • Créateur
Deputy Head of Scientific Department
Chornobyl Radiation and Ecological Biosphere Reserve
Alona Varukha
  • Fournisseur Des Métadonnées
  • Créateur
  • Personne De Contact
Chornobyl Radiation and Ecological Biosphere Reserve
Serhii Obrizan
  • Créateur
Chornobyl Radiation and Ecological Biosphere Reserve
Serhii Domashevskyi
  • Créateur
Chornobyl Radiation and Ecological Biosphere Reserve
Oleh Prylutskyi
  • Curateur Des Données
Associate Professor
V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Svobody sq. 4
61022 Kharkiv

Couverture géographique

Europe, Ukraine, Ukrainian (Kyiv) Polissia, North of Kyiv region, territory of Chornobyl Exclusion Zone (mostly Chornobyl Radiation and Ecological Biosphere Reserve)

Enveloppe géographique Sud Ouest [50,858, 29,29], Nord Est [51,543, 30,63]

Couverture taxonomique


Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Mammalia
Order Artiodactyla, Perissodactyla

Couverture temporelle

Date de début / Date de fin 2012-02-19 / 2014-07-27
Date de début / Date de fin 2018-04-18 / 2023-12-15

Méthodes d'échantillonnage

Occurrences, reported here, were obtained by 2 methods: 1. Direct observation and counting of the Artiodactyla and Perissodactyla occurrences along casual routes during work trips within the territory of the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone by the members of scientific department of the Chornobyl Radiation and Ecological Biosphere Reserve. 2. Indirect observation and recording of the Artiodactyla and Perissodactyla occurrences. Data was gathered and recorded by camera traps installed by the members of the scientific department of the Chornobyl Radiation and Ecological Biosphere Reserve within the territory of the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone. Camera traps were set taking into account migration routes and active areas of the Artiodactyla and Perissodactyla. Since 2020, camera traps have been installed according to the advices described in Wearn, Oliver & Glover-Kapfer, Paul. (2017). Camera-trapping for conservation: a guide to best-practices. 10.13140/RG.2.2.23409.17767. Observations were carried out in different seasons and weather conditions.

Etendue de l'étude Chornobyl Radiation and Ecological Biosphere Reserve, Northern part of Kyiv region, Ukraine.

Description des étapes de la méthode:

  1. Direct observation and recordings of the Artiodactyla and Perissodactyla occurrences along the casual routes (main and forest roads).
  2. Indirect observation and recordings of the Artiodactyla and Perissodactyla occurrences. Data was gathered and recorded by camera traps installed within the territory of the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone.
  3. Preparing an occurrence dataset.

Métadonnées additionnelles