The database contains records of lichen species collected within the Slobozhanskyi National Nature Park and its surrounding area.
The Slobozhanskyi National Nature Park is situated in the northwestern part of the Kharkiv region, Ukraine. This park is a nationally significant natural reserve located within the territory of the Krasnokutsk territorial community. It was established in 2009 with the primary goal of conserving and restoring the unique natural systems of the Slobozhanshchyna region. The park's territory is part of the Emerald Network of Ukraine (UA0000075) and a component of the Galician-Slobozhanskyi Ecological Corridor of the Environmental Network of Ukraine.
Data regarding lichen findings within the park have been published since 2006 in various scientific works, conference materials, and student theses. The majority of lichen samples collected within the park are stored in the herbarium of the V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (CWU). Some of these samples have been digitized using the PlutoF data management system and are already available on the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF).
Data Records
The data in this occurrence resource has been published as a Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), which is a standardized format for sharing biodiversity data as a set of one or more data tables. The core data table contains 246 records.
This IPT archives the data and thus serves as the data repository. The data and resource metadata are available for download in the downloads section. The versions table lists other versions of the resource that have been made publicly available and allows tracking changes made to the resource over time.
The table below shows only published versions of the resource that are publicly accessible.
How to cite
Researchers should cite this work as follows:
Gromakova A, Ivanova K (2023). Lichens of the Krasnokutsk territorial commune (hromada), Kharkiv region, Ukraine. Version 1.7. Slobozhanskyi National Nature Park. Occurrence dataset.
Researchers should respect the following rights statement:
The publisher and rights holder of this work is Slobozhanskyi National Nature Park. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.
GBIF Registration
This resource has been registered with GBIF, and assigned the following GBIF UUID: 2a9e7bd4-6aec-42f3-9f5f-1cc07539be59. Slobozhanskyi National Nature Park publishes this resource, and is itself registered in GBIF as a data publisher endorsed by Participant Node Managers Committee.
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Geographic Coverage
The territory of Krasnokutsk territorial commune (hromada), Kharkiv region, Ukraine
Bounding Coordinates | South West [49.916, 34.843], North East [50.205, 35.629] |
Taxonomic Coverage
The data base consists of the finds of lichens.
Class | Lecanoromycetes, Coniocybomycetes, Candelariomycetes |
Temporal Coverage
Start Date / End Date | 2001-07-30 / 2021-01-17 |
Project Data
BioDATA grant for data mobilization including digitization, data quality assurance, data preparation, and publication of collection specimen and other species data from Ukraine to GBIF. Dataset preparation was supported within the project "Biodiversity of Krasnokutsk amalgamated territorial community (Kharkiv region)". More details on the grant program here (
Title | BioDATA Ukraine data mobilization grant program 2022 |
Identifier | Cepa-LT-2017/10049 |
Funding | BioDATA partners, NLBIF, GBIF Norway, and the UiO Natural History Museum. |
Study Area Description | The territory of Krasnokutsk territorial commune (hromada), Kharkiv region, Ukraine |
The personnel involved in the project:
Sampling Methods
Dataset comprises data of the herbarium collections and personal field observations. The sequence of actions we followed during our fieldwork is described in Step description.
Study Extent | The territory of Krasnokutsk territorial commune (hromada), Kharkiv region, Ukraine. Most observations took place at the Slobozhanskyi National Nature Park. |
Quality Control | The authors of the dataset are fully responsible for the quality of data provided within the dataset. |
Method step description:
- The specimens of lichens were examined by lens (×10) in nature and standard microscopy techniques in the laboratory. The anatomical details were studied by cutting thin sections of thalli, ascomata and conidiomataby a sharp razor blade. Microscopic examination was carried out in water and 10% KOH (K). Measurements were made in water with an accuracy of 0.5 μm for ascospores, asci, conidia, and 5 μm for ascoms and pycnidia.
- Examined specimens of lichen are deposited in the Herbarium of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (CWU).
- Data from literature and herbarium data were included with original georeference or with own interpretation of the geoposition.
- We aligned taxonomy with GBIF Backbone Taxonomy and Index Fungorum nomenclature database. Organizing of a dataset according to Darwin Core standards.
Collection Data
Collection Name | CWU |
Collection Identifier | CWU |
Bibliographic Citations
- Gromakova A.B. 2006 [New localities of rare lichens in Kharkov region]. Visnyk Kharkivskoho Natsionalnoho Unversitytu imeni V.N. Karazina. Ser. Biology. Vyp. 3. No 729. 32–36 [in Russian, with English summary].
- Gromakova A.B., Zemlyachenko Yu.V. 2011. [Materials for the study of lichen flora of the Slobozhanskyi National Natural Park] Karazin Natural Science Studios. Proceedings of the international scientific conference, February 1-4, 2011, Kharkov. 101-103 [in Russian].
- Bairak O. M, Gapon S. V., Levanets A. A. (1998) Non-vascular plants of the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine (soil alge, lichens, mosses) [Bezsudynni roslyny Livoberezhnoho Lisostepu Ukrainy (hruntovi vodorosti, lyshaynyky, mokhopodibni)], Verstka, Poltava, 160 p.
- Zemlyachenko Yu.V. 2006. Lichens of the pine forests of the Merla River valley. Master thesis. V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.
- Kovalska S.V. 2019 Lichens of "Slobozhanskyi" National Nature Park. . Master thesis. V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University.
Additional Metadata
Alternative Identifiers | 2a9e7bd4-6aec-42f3-9f5f-1cc07539be59 |
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