Vascular plants and cryptogams of ancient forgotten parks of Mykolaiv region (Ukraine)

Latest version published by Kherson State University on Oct 1, 2023 Kherson State University
Publication date:
1 October 2023
Published by:
Kherson State University
CC-BY 4.0

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The dataset focuses on the biodiversity of old parks created in the 18th and 20th centuries and old forests that have survived to the present day. For the first time, the complete species lists of the vascular plants (dendroflora and herbaceous plants) in the 4 old natural forests near Kuryachi Lozy, Kuripchino (Mimrykov Forest) and on the Kinburn Peninsula (Volyzhyn Forest, Komendantske), for 16 artificial forests - Volodymyrivska Dacha, Dubova Balka, Katerynka, Korabelne, Labirynt, Vasyleva Pasika and 9 parks in Voznesensk (Maryin Gay), Kuryachi Lozy (Pidgirsky Park), Mostove (Erdeli Park), Pervomaysk (Druzhby Narodiv Park), Bratske (Zhyvkovich Park), Svyatomykolayivka (Staryi Park), Shaslyve (Tropinykh Park), Mykolayiv (Lisky). The species composition of their dendroflora (138 species) and herbaceous plants (633 species), mosses (50 species) and lichens with lichenicolous fungi (126 species) has been covered for the first time. Particular attention is paid to the inventory of old trees that grow in the Mykolaev region. For 126 old trees, information is provided on cores taken from them with a Pressler drill, which show the age of these trees. 142 dendronims of old trees with main its characters in Mykolayiv region are provided.

Data Records

The data in this occurrence resource has been published as a Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), which is a standardized format for sharing biodiversity data as a set of one or more data tables. The core data table contains 4,604 records.

1 extension data tables also exist. An extension record supplies extra information about a core record. The number of records in each extension data table is illustrated below.

Occurrence (core)

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How to cite

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

Khodosovtsev A, Moysiyenko I, Artamonov V, Klymenko V, Darmostuk V, Borovyk D, Zagorodniuk N, Dayneko P, Zakharova M, Nezvetov M, Prokopuk Y, Boyko M (2023). Vascular plants and cryptogams of ancient forgotten parks of Mykolaiv region (Ukraine). Version 1.5. Kherson State University. Occurrence dataset.


Researchers should respect the following rights statement:

The publisher and rights holder of this work is Kherson State University. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.

GBIF Registration

This resource has been registered with GBIF, and assigned the following GBIF UUID: 48ba0fa4-b5a6-4ee7-bb2f-16293d739fe1.  Kherson State University publishes this resource, and is itself registered in GBIF as a data publisher endorsed by Participant Node Managers Committee.


Occurrence; Ancient forgotten parks; old trees; objects of cultural heritage


Alexander Khodosovtsev
  • Metadata Provider
  • Originator
  • Point Of Contact
Dr. Sc., Prof.
Kherson State University
27 Universytetska Str.
Ivan Moysiyenko
  • Metadata Provider
  • Originator
  • Point Of Contact
Dr. Sc., Prof., Head of Department of Botany
Kherson State University
27 Universytetska Str
73000 Kherson
Vladyslav Artamonov
  • Originator
Vitaliy Klymenko
  • Originator
Kherson State University
Valeriy Darmostuk
  • Originator
Kherson State University
Dariia Borovyk
  • Originator
Natalia Zagorodniuk
  • Originator
Kherson State University
27 Universytetska Str.
Polina Dayneko
  • Originator
Maryna Zakharova
  • Originator
Kherson State University
Maksym Nezvetov
  • Originator
Yulia Prokopuk
  • Originator
Mykhailo Boyko
  • Originator
Dr. Sc., Prof.
Kherson State University
Nadiia Skobel

Geographic Coverage

Mykolaiv region.

Bounding Coordinates South West [46.384, 30.256], North East [48.188, 33.728]

Taxonomic Coverage

Vascular plants (Plantae, Tracheophyta - Gnetopsida, Liliopsida, Magnoliopsida), Cryptogams (Fungi Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Plantae Bryophyta).

Kingdom Plantae, Fungi
Phylum Tracheophyta, Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Bryophyta
Class Gnetopsida, Liliopsida, Magnoliopsida

Temporal Coverage

Start Date / End Date 2020-05-02 / 2021-10-11

Project Data

The project was implemented with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic as part of the Transition Promotion Program" The research were sponsored by Mykolayiv Regional Council project "Inventory of ancient parks and trees of the Mykolayiv region" (2020-2021) and data prepation by the NCN scholarship programme for Ukrainian students and young researchers ( 2021/01/4/NZ9/00078) in collaboration with University of Warsaw.

Title Natural potential in community plans of the post-war Mykolaiv region
Funding Embassy of the Czech Republic in Ukraine
Study Area Description Mykolaiv region

Sampling Methods

Recording and identification of vascular plants using roadside methods Tree diameters were measured at a height of 1 m 30 cm using a tape measure. Tree height was determined using a handheld height meter. The ages of 126 trees were determined based on cores. To obtain cores, we used Pressler's hardwood and softwood borers. The cambial age of trees in 2018 was determined according to (Sweingruber, 1996). The age was determined as the arithmetic mean of several estimated tree ages from different cores. Unfortunately, not all trees could be analyzed by drilling, so the age of such old trees was determined from growth tables with statistical significance. We also used historical data related to the time of planting, and data on the growth rate in thickness.

Study Extent Locality of the ancient parks of the Mykolaiv region (Ukraine) in 4 old natural forests near Kuryachi Lozy, Kuripchino (Mimrykov Forest) and on the Kinburn Peninsula (Volyzhyn Forest, Komendantske), for 16 artificial forests - Volodymyrivska Dacha, Dubova Balka, Katerynka, Korabelne, Labirynt, Vasyleva Pasika and 9 parks in Voznesensk (Maryin Gay), Kuryachi Lozy (Pidgirsky Park), Mostove (Erdeli Park), Pervomaysk (Druzhby Narodiv Park), Bratske (Zhyvkovich Park), Svyatomykolayivka (Staryi Park), Shaslyve (Tropinykh Park), Mykolayiv (Lisky).
Quality Control The identification of vascular plant and cryptogams were held with morphological methods at the field and in the Kherson State University Laboitem-0ratory of Plant Ecology and Environmental Protection. Coordinates of records were checked using Google Earth service. Data cleaning using OpenRefine.

Method step description:

  1. Searching of old parks in Mykolaiv Region.
  2. Measurement of old trees.
  3. Recording and identification of vascular plants and cryptogams.
  4. Management of coordinates.
  5. Data post-processing according to the Darwin Core standards.
  6. Data checking and cleaning in Open Refine.

Bibliographic Citations

  1. Khodosovtsev A.Ye., Moysiyenko I.I., Artamonov V.A., Klymenko V.M., Darmostuk V.V., Dayneko P.M., Shyryayeva D.V., Zagorodniuk N.V., Zakharova M.Ya., Nezvetov M.V., Prokopuk Yu.S., Boyko M F. (2021). Ancient forest and parks of the Mykolayv region. Mykolayiv. 394p. [in Ukrainian]

Additional Metadata

Alternative Identifiers 48ba0fa4-b5a6-4ee7-bb2f-16293d739fe1