An annotated list of the flora of the botanical reserve «Yakovlivskyi» (Mykolaiv region, Ukraine)

Latest version published by Kherson State University on Sept 5, 2023 Kherson State University
Publication date:
5 September 2023
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Kherson State University
CC-BY 4.0

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Cheklist of the regional botanical reserve includes 388 taxa names of vascular plants are revealed (386 species and 2 subspecies). The botanical reserve of local importance «Yakovlivskyi» was created on the initiative and on the materials of Professor M.F. Boyko. The decision on its creation was made by the Mykolaiv Regional Council on 16.12.1987. The nomenclature of the vascular plants in the dataset follows “Nomenclatural Checklist of vascular plants of Ukraine” (Mosyakin & Fedoronchuk 1999). The botanical reserve of local importance «Yakovlivskyi» has a significant sozological value. In particular, there grows a number of plant species that are protected according to different Red Lists, or several at the same time. The World Red List includes Astragalus pallescens M.Bieb., Dianthus lanceolatus Steven ex Rchb., Linaria biebersteinii Besser; European Red List - Phlomis hybrida Zelen. and Vincetoxicum intermedium Taliev; Red Data Book of Ukraine - Crocus reticulatus Steven ex Adams, Caragana scythica (Kom.) Pojark, Chamaecytisus graniticus (Rehman) Rothm., Cymbochasma borysthenica (Pall. ex Schlecht.) Klokov & Zoz, Elytrigia stipifolia (Czern. ex Nevski) Nevski, Gymnospermium odessanum (DC.) Takht, Stipa pulcherrima K.Koch, Stipa ucrainica P.Smirn., Tulipa biebersteiniana Schult. & Schult.f. (as Tulipa hypanica Klokov & Zoz), Tulipa schrenkii Regel.

Data Records

The data in this occurrence resource has been published as a Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), which is a standardized format for sharing biodiversity data as a set of one or more data tables. The core data table contains 834 records.

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How to cite

Researchers should cite this work as follows:

Moysiyenko I (2023). An annotated list of the flora of the botanical reserve «Yakovlivskyi» (Mykolaiv region, Ukraine). Version 1.6. Kherson State University. Occurrence dataset.


Researchers should respect the following rights statement:

The publisher and rights holder of this work is Kherson State University. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) License.

GBIF Registration

This resource has been registered with GBIF, and assigned the following GBIF UUID: a54c866c-3d2b-4a01-9186-9a03dfaff5ac.  Kherson State University publishes this resource, and is itself registered in GBIF as a data publisher endorsed by Participant Node Managers Committee.


Checklist; regional botanical reserve "Yakovlivski"; flora; Kherson region; Ukraine


Ivan Moysiyenko
  • Metadata Provider
  • Originator
  • Point Of Contact
Dr. Sc.Prof. Head of Department of Botany
Kherson State University
27 Universytetska Str
73000 Kherson
Nadiia Skobel
  • Programmer
PhD student
Kherson State University

Geographic Coverage

the regional botanical reserve "Yakovlivski" (Mykoliav district, Mykoliav region, Ukraine)

Bounding Coordinates South West [46.396, 31.459], North East [46.593, 31.902]

Taxonomic Coverage

Vascular plants (Plantae, Tracheophyta - Polypodiopsida, Gnetopsida, Liliopsida, Magnoliopsida)

Phylum Plantae, Tracheophyta
Class Gnetopsida, Liliopsida, Magnoliopsida, Polypodiopsida

Temporal Coverage

Start Date / End Date 2003-01-01 / 2005-12-31

Project Data

BioDATA grant for data mobilization including digitization, data quality assurance, data preparation, and publication of collection specimen and other species data from Ukraine to GBIF. Dataset preparation was supported within the project "Documenting of phytodiversity of nature protected areas of Lower Dnipro region". More details on the grant program here (

Title BioDATA Ukraine data mobilization grant program 2022
Identifier Cepa-LT-2017/10049
Funding BioDATA partners, NLBIF, GBIF Norway, and the UiO Natural History Museum
Study Area Description Lower Dnipro region

The personnel involved in the project:

Nadiia Skobel
Ivan Moysiyenko

Sampling Methods

Recording and identification of vascular plants with using road-field methods.

Study Extent It is located on an area of 35 hectares in the vicinity of the village Yakovlivka, Bereznehuvata district, Mykolaiv region. The reserve covers the terrace area and elements of the ravine-beam system of the lower reaches of the Visun River at its confluence with the Ingulets River. The reserve consists of three ravines - Kalinindorfska, Yakovlivska and Zhukova and a section of the terrace of the river Visun between the last two. In the reserve, the vegetation cover of steppes and limestone outcrops of the strip of fescue-feather grass steppes is well preserved.
Quality Control The identification of vascular plant species was held with morphological methods at the field and in the Kherson State University Laboratory of Plant Ecology and Environmental Protection. Coordinates of records were checked using Google Earth service. Data cleaning using OpenRefine.

Method step description:

  1. Field sampling
  2. Recording and identification of vascular plants
  3. Completing of cheklist of vascular plant
  4. Data post-processing according to the Darwin Core standards
  5. Data checking and cleaning in OpenRefine

Bibliographic Citations

  1. Boyko, M.F. (1988). Nature of Kherson region. Physical and geographical. Kyiv: Phytosociological Centre. 120 p. [in Ukrainian].
  2. Boyko, M.F. (2001). Ed. Chornyi., S.G. Ecology of Kherson region. Kherson. 156 p. [in Ukrainian].
  3. Korzh, L.V., Shturina V. (2013). Ed. Arustamova, N. Nature and natural resources of Kherson region. Kherson: KSU.48 p. [in Ukrainian].
  4. Moysyenko I.I. (2006). Annotaled list of vascular plants of the regional botanical reserve «Yakovlivskyi» (Mykoliav region, Ukraine). News of the Biosphere Reserve «Askania-Nova».7: 32-39. [in Ukrainian].
  5. Moysyenko I.I. (2006). Floristic wealth of the botanical reserve of local importance «Yakovlivskyi«. VI International New Year's biological readings (Mykolaiv, December 2006): Collection of Scientific Works (issue 6). Mykolaiv: MSU. P:134-137. [in Ukrainian].
  6. Mosyakin S.L., Fedoronchuk M.M. (1999). Vascular plants of Ukraine. A nomenclatural checklist. Specialized printing house of scientific journals of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Additional Metadata

Alternative Identifiers a54c866c-3d2b-4a01-9186-9a03dfaff5ac