Reference-based checklist of gilled Agaricales (Basidiomycota, Fungi) from Ukraine

Lista de chequeo
Última versión publicado por V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University el dic 20, 2022 V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Fecha de publicación:
20 de diciembre de 2022
CC0 1.0

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Agaricales is the largest order within the class Agaricomycetes (Basidiomycota, Fungi). Most of the genera have a gilled (lamellate) basidiomata, though gasteroids, secotioids, and cyphelloids types of fruit bodies also occur in several families and genera. Whereas gilled Agaricales (usually called "agarics") are the most investigated part of the Fungi, the last summary of their diversity in Ukraine was published back in 1996 (Minter and Dudka 1996). Only several families have undergone a deep review over the last 30 years, and most of the data on species occurrences distributed throughout only partially digitized, underrepresented on the Web, and published primarily in Ukrainian sources.

Here we provide the list of the 1201 scientific names of gilled Agaricales (species and infraspecific taxon ranks) ever reported from the territory of Ukraine, based on the more than 300 sources published from 1900 to 2021 yr., as well as digitized collection specimens from three mycological collections. For each taxon mentioned in the checklist, we provide references to either known collection specimens or published sources, where researchers can find more information about the records – 8797 records in total.


Los datos en este recurso de lista de chequeo han sido publicados como Archivo Darwin Core(DwC-A), el cual es un formato estándar para compartir datos de biodiversidad como un conjunto de una o más tablas de datos. La tabla de datos del core contiene 1.201 registros.

también existen 1 tablas de datos de extensiones. Un registro en una extensión provee información adicional sobre un registro en el core. El número de registros en cada tabla de datos de la extensión se ilustra a continuación.

Taxon (core)

Este IPT archiva los datos y, por lo tanto, sirve como repositorio de datos. Los datos y los metadatos del recurso están disponibles para su descarga en la sección descargas. La tabla versiones enumera otras versiones del recurso que se han puesto a disposición del público y permite seguir los cambios realizados en el recurso a lo largo del tiempo.


La siguiente tabla muestra sólo las versiones publicadas del recurso que son de acceso público.

¿Cómo referenciar?

Los usuarios deben citar este trabajo de la siguiente manera:

Prylutskyi O, Prydiuk M, Malanyuk V, Yakunina V (2022): Reference-based checklist of gilled Agaricales (Basidiomycota, Fungi) from Ukraine. v1.8. V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Dataset/Checklist.


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El publicador y propietario de los derechos de este trabajo es V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. En la medida de lo posible según la ley, el publicador ha renunciado a todos los derechos sobre estos datos y los ha dedicado al Dominio público (CC0 1.0). Los usuarios pueden copiar, modificar, distribuir y utilizar la obra, incluso con fines comerciales, sin restricciones.

Registro GBIF

Este recurso ha sido registrado en GBIF con el siguiente UUID: f994f6e8-4d7d-45bd-ab10-d59ecdfdbe80.  V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University publica este recurso y está registrado en GBIF como un publicador de datos avalado por Participant Node Managers Committee.

Palabras clave

Checklist; Inventoryregional


Oleh Prylutskyi
  • Proveedor De Los Metadatos
  • Custodio De Los Datos
  • Originador
  • Punto De Contacto
Associate Professor
V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Svobody sq. 4
61022 Kharkiv
Mykola Prydiuk
  • Originador
Senior Research Associate
M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany NAS of Ukraine
Vasyl Malanyuk
  • Originador
Head of Research department
Halych National Nature Park
Valeria Yakunina
  • Originador
Postgraduate Student
V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Cobertura geográfica

Data cover all the territory of Ukraine. It was possible to georeference 5904 records (67 per cent of the records).

Coordenadas límite Latitud Mínima Longitud Mínima [43,835, 21,445], Latitud Máxima Longitud Máxima [53,015, 41,309]

Cobertura taxonómica

Order Agaricales (Basidiomycota, Agaricomycetes, Fungi), excluding families Clavariaceae, Cyphellaceae, Fistulinaceae, Niaceae, Phelloriniaceae, Pterulaceae, Schizophyllaceae, Stephanosporaceae, Typhulaceae, as well as genera Lycoperdon, Calvatia, Disciseda, and other genera comprising taxa with gasteroids, secotioids, and cyphelloids types of fruit bodies.

Reino Fungi
Filo Basidiomycota
Class Agaricomycetes
Familia Agaricales

Cobertura temporal

Periodo de formación 1900-2022

Datos del proyecto

In collaboration with the Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility (FinBIF) and Pensoft Publishers, GBIF has announced a new call for authors to submit and publish data papers on Northern Eurasia in a special collection of Biodiversity Data Journal (BDJ).

Título Northern Eurasia 2022
Identificador N-Eurasia-2022

Personas asociadas al proyecto:

Dmitry Schigel

Métodos de muestreo

The largest source of the data was the specimens and literature references available through the online database “Fungi of Ukraine” (Andrianova et al., 2006). The whole database comprises data on more than 52,400 records of fungi and fungus-like protists, covering the vast majority of specimens for KW collection, as well as the records from the sources published by 2000 y. Since data are unable to download and no longer accessible in a raw format, they were mined semi-automatically, using a custom Python parser written by Valeria Yakunina, for occurrences and literature references separately. 5078 occurrences of gilled Agaricales were then filtered based on family and genus names (see Taxonomic coverage for the full list of taxa). Literature sources published after 2000 y., as well as the sources not covered by “Fungi of Ukraine”, such as “Identification key for Ukrainian fungi” (Zerova et al., 1979), were digitized manually by the authors of the dataset. Newer collection specimens from the CWU and VM collections were digitized manually. Specimens from CWU collections have been also uploaded into the PlutoF biodiversity data management system (Abarenkov et al., 2010), where they are alongside extended information. If the specimen has been mentioned in one of the digitized literature sources, we treated such cases as a single record, to avoid duplications. For georeferenced records from the “Fungi of Ukraine” database, we converted geographic coordinates provided by the source into a decimal format using the formula “degree + minutes/60 + seconds/3600”. Since we have no information about georeferencing protocol which has been used during the data preparation, we left terms describing georeference and coordinate uncertainty empty. Records derived from the recent sources were georeferenced by the authors of the dataset either manually from maps or obtained from GPS coordinates when available. Coordinate uncertainty values were calculated following DarwinCore recommendations ( ), as well as Georeference best practices (Chapman and Wieczorek, 2020). For the records for which the source provides location information at a level coarser than a particular protected area (e.g. administrative or natural region of Ukraine, or accompanied with the remark “Throughout the territory of Ukraine”), we left all georeferencing terms empty. To make a list of taxa we harmonized scientific names, provided by the authors of corresponding publications and/or specimens. In the first step, we match our list of names with the GBIF Backbone Taxonomy (GBIF Secretariat, 2022) using GBIF species matching tool (, then manually check mismatching records against Index Fungorum nomenclatural database (Kirk and Cooper, 2022). For the names treated as accepted by both sources, we used the name provided by GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. For the mismatched names, we followed the Index Fungorum view. We also kept all the names for infraspecific taxa, represented non-type varietas/forma, and followed Index Fungorum in nomenclature for such cases. For some taxa which both GBIF Backbone taxonomy and Index Fungorum treat as synonyms, we kept names provided by the authors of records, for example, Agaricus tabularis Peck. For each name in the resulted list of scientific names (species, varietas, and formas) we then assigned a unique identifier (taxonID), through which taxa linked to the records in the occurrence part of the data. Full scientific names as they were written by the authors were kept in “verbatimIdentification” column of “occurrence” data sheet.

Área de Estudio Data for this checklist comprise references from 345 published sources, dating from 1900 to 2021 y. We also incorporated information on digitized collection specimens from three mycological collections – The mycological part of the Herbarium of M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv (KW-M), and the mycological part of the Herbarium of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv (CWU(MYC)), and mycological collection of Halych National Nature Park, Halych (VM) – totally 5371 specimens. Specimens and references were included based on the following criteria: 1. Taxon belongs to the Order Agaricales (excluding families Clavariaceae, Cyphellaceae, Fistulinaceae, Niaceae, Phelloriniaceae, Pterulaceae, Schizophyllaceae, Stephanosporaceae, Typhulaceae, as well as genera Lycoperdon, Calvatia, Disciseda, and other genera comprising taxa with gasteroids, secotioids, and cyphelloids types of fruit bodies), and identified to either species or infraspecific level. 2. Occurrences lie within the official state boundary of Ukraine. 3. Literature source is credible, i.e. authored by recognized mycologists, and published in the peer-review scientific literature (journal articles, monographs, conference proceedings).
Control de Calidad Since the main purpose of this checklist is to provide researchers with the most comprehensive list of the scientific names of gilled Agaricales reported from the territory of Ukraine, we did not make a deep taxonomical revision of the data. That is why synonyms or even ambiguous scientific names might be present. For each taxon mentioned in the checklist, we provide references to either known collection specimens or published sources, where researchers can find more information about the records. We used GBIF species matching tool ( to find possible typos in scientific names. We also used Index Fungorum nomenclatural database (Kirk and Cooper, 2022) to check the current status of names. For data cleaning and final adjustment, we used OpenRefine ( and R (R Core Team, 2020).

Descripción de la metodología paso a paso:

  1. Parsing the “Fungi of Ukraine” database, coordinate conversion into decimal degrees when available.
  2. Manual digitization of the sources either published after 2000 y. or not covered by the “Fungi of Ukraine” database.
  3. Extraction of available collection data from CWU, VM, and KW custom collection management systems.
  4. Georeferencing of the records accompanied with annotations described location at the level of the particular protected areas or finer.
  5. Adaptation of the data to the DarwinCore standard.
  6. Nomenclatural revision, preparing the list of scientific names.

Datos de la colección

Nombre de la Colección M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine herbarium (KW)
Identificador de la Colección
Nombre de la Colección V. N. Karazin National University herbarium (CWU)
Identificador de la Colección
Nombre de la Colección Mycological collection of the Halych National Nature Park, Halych (VM)
Métodos de preservación de los ejemplares Secado

Referencias bibliográficas

  1. Abarenkov, K., Tedersoo, L., Nilsson, R.H., Vellak, K., Saar, I., Veldre, V., Parmasto, E., Prous, M., Aan, A., Ots, M., Kurina, O., Ostonen, I., Jõgeva, J., Halapuu, S., Põldmaa, K., Toots, M., Truu, J., Larsson, K.-H., Kõljalg, U., 2010. PlutoF – a Web Based Workbench for Ecological and Taxonomic Research, with an Online Implementation for Fungal ITS Sequences. Evol Bioinform Online 6, EBO.S6271.
  2. Andrianova, T.V., Dudka, I.O., Hayova, V.P., Heluta, V.P., Isikov, V.P., Kondratiuk, S.Ya., Krivomaz, T.I., Kuzub, V.V., Minter, D.W., Minter, T.J., Prydiuk, M.P., Tykhonenko, Yu.Ya., 2006. Fungi of Ukraine.
  3. Chapman, A., Wieczorek, J., 2020. Georeferencing Best Practices.
  4. GBIF Secretariat, 2022. GBIF Backbone Taxonomy.
  5. Kirk, P.M., Cooper, J., 2022. Index Fungorum.
  6. R Core Team (2022). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria.
  7. Zerova, M.Ya., Sosin, P.Ye., Rozhenko, H.L., 1979. Handbook of Fungi of Ukraine, vol. 5. Basidiomycetes, book 2. Boletales, Strobilomycetales, Tricholomatales, Entolomatales, Russulales, Agaricales, Gasteromycetes. [in Ukrainian]. Naukova dumka, Kyiv.
  8. Minter, D.W. & Dudka, I.O. 1996. Fungi of Ukraine. A preliminary checklist. International Mycological Institute & M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany; Egham & Kiev.

Metadatos adicionales

Identificadores alternativos f994f6e8-4d7d-45bd-ab10-d59ecdfdbe80